Agenda item



Report of the Executive Director (Housing and Communities) providing information on a Consultation on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) proposal to bring the governance of police and fire services within the same organisation.


It was noted that there had been a unanimous vote by Hertfordshire County Council against the proposal.


Members noted that the consultation period was short and was to take place partly over the school holiday period.  The Council was not a statutory consultee, but had the option to respond if desired.


Members raised the following points:


        there did not appear to be any financial savings

        there was not provision for adequate scrutiny of the Fire Service

        would the Ambulance Service be the next to be taken into the control of the PCC?

        the PCC could make a recommendation to the Secretary of State to go ahead with the proposal even if the responses to the consultation were not in favour

        it was understandable that the County Council would be against the proposal as it was a service that it provided which it would not want to lose and which had a substantial budget associated with it.


It was noted that the consultation would end on 14 August and any decision by the PCC would be submitted to the Secretary of State by 21 August 2017.


Members were advised that Hatfield Town Council had discussed the proposal and had voted to respond to the consultation stating that they did not support it.


A Member expressed concern that the Committee was being asked to comment on what was ultimately a big decision and he did not feel that he was in a position to comment without the full facts.  He suggested that a recommendation should be made to the Cabinet that the Council would not give a response to the consultation.


Other Members felt that it was important for the Council to respond to the consultation with the following comments:


        they had no faith in the business case

        there was already a lot of joint working

        the proposal appeared to be more about making cuts

        there would be a transparency issue

        the Fire Brigade Union was against the proposal.


After further discussion, it was proposed, seconded and





(1)     That the Cabinet be recommended that a response to the consultation should be submitted which opposed the proposal.

(2)     That comment be made in the response about the short consultation period and the fact that it was taking place during the holiday period.

(3)     That delegated authority be given to Officers to prepare the wording of the response and to circulate it to Members of this Committee prior to its submission to the Cabinet.


(Note:  The Chairman accepted this item as urgent as to delay consideration of the item would mean that, if the Council wished to respond to the consultation, time would not be available to do so if left until the next meeting).


(Note:  Councillor L.Chesterman declared an interest in this item – Minute 6 refers).