Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance).


Report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) detailing this application for the proposal seeking full planning permission for the sub-division of the site and the erection of a four bedroom two-storey dwelling to the south side of No. 28 High Oaks Road, with a detached garage and associated parking to the side and front.  A gazebo was also proposed within the rear garden along the proposed shared boundary with the existing property.  The proposed building would front High Oaks Road with its own separate access.


The reason the application had been presented to the Committee for consideration was due to Ward Councillor H.Bromley having called the application in on the grounds that:


“Amenity loss to residents by virtue of loss of privacy currently offered by the garden area of the adjacent property, rather than any brick/living accommodation. Amenity loss to the street scene by virtue of a loss of hedge, grass verge etc. and more visible hard landscaping. This street has houses on large individual plots, which this garden grabbing development would compromise.”


A.Nicholas (applicant) speaking in support of the application referred to the support he had received in principle from the local planning authority, the various design iterations worked through, the design and size being in keeping and the neighbouring dwelling.


P.Roberts (objector)  speaking against the application referred to the vision and planning for the area and the need to retain the hedge and for obscured glazing.


Ward Member Councillor H.Bromley speaking against the application referred to the Conservation Officer objecting to the hedge removal, adverse effects on neighbouring occupiers and amenity, character and appearance being harmed.


The Planning Officers proposed amendments to the conditions in the report and an additional condition.


A late representation had been circulated from the residents at No. 30 High Oaks Road making representations against the application.


Councillor F.Thomson commented that sixteen neighbour objections had been received and that this was one of the most significant roads in the conservation area and would impact on the open and spacious character.


Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor D.Bennett, seconded by Councillor I.Dean and



(7 voting for and 6 against with one abstention)


That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report, amendments to conditions and an additional condition as follows:-


Amendment to condition 11 to read:


“The existing mixed trees along the southern boundary of the application site, as shown on Drawing No. 5290 201F, shall be retained and maintained at a height of no less than 4m and shall not be removed”.


REASON:  To ensure the residential amenity of neighbouring properties, the character and amenity of the area are not impaired.  To comply with Policies, D1 and D8 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005 and the Supplementary Design Guide.


The removal of the Drawing ‘Planning Plan’ from condition 12 (approved plans).  The revision number “G” and “F” removed also from condition 12 (as revision numbers are included in the Plan Number).


13     “The submission of a plan and elevation details of the timber shed and greenhouse is required”.

Supporting documents: