Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) sets out an appeal against the refusal of Estate Management Consent for the retention of internal alterations and a roof light.




The report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) set out an appeal against the refusal of the Estate Management Consent for the retention of internal alterations and a roof light. 


This appeal was originally scheduled to be determined at the previous Appeal Panel in August, however the appellant requested that the appeal be withdrawn and deferred to this Panel in order for the appellant to submit further information in support of the appeal.  This information consisted of a Design and Access Statement, which reiterated previous information submitted and included a) The location of the roof light as being on the ‘front elevation’ b) other examples of roof lights in the vicinity.


The key issue in the determination of this appeal was the impact on the amenities and values of the surrounding area.  The impact on the residential amenity of adjoining occupiers was judged to be acceptable.


The report noted that the appeal dwelling was located within a row of terrace, cottage style dwellings situated around a pedestrian courtyard.  The principle elevation is considered to be that which faces into the courtyard as typical domestic features could be seen, those being the main door and porch.  Furthermore other properties within the terrace also have these features.


The Appellant attended the meeting and stated that the elevation in which the roof light had been installed was in fact at the rear elevation.  He further added that No 4 and the house on the left as you entered Fern Grove had ‘Velux window facing towards the road. The Panel were informed that the Velux window was professionally fitted.


A representative of the Digswell House Mews Management Company spoke against the development and objected to the Velux window that had been installed in the roof of the 3 Digswell House Mews. The roof light was considered to disrupt the roof slope and the wider roof line of this terrace row of properties, which retain their original period character.  The appearance of the roof light, regardless that is of a ‘conservation style’ was out of keeping with the design, appearance and contrary to the original architectural detailing used in the existing buildings.


Neighbours considered the proposed roof light to have been poorly executed and it was readily visible from the wider public realm although there are already a number of roof lights seen to various properties which were clearly visible from Fern Grove, as no approval appeared to have been granted as it was not considered that this sets a precedent for the area.


Members of the Panel had visited the area and supported the Officers’ recommendation and agreed that the proposed roof light dominated the front facing roof slope and would be readily visible with the public realm having a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the area and the resultant appearance would not be in line with the values and amenities of the Garden City.


It was moved by Councillor M. Larkins, seconded by Councillor M. Cowan and





That the delegated decision be upheld and the appeal dismissed.


Supporting documents: