Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and accompanying presentation which provides the Committee with the performance indicator data collected for those services that are within its remit.  It provides Quarter 2 data for 2017-18 along with comparative information where available.


The report of the Executive Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and accompanying presentation provided the Committee with the performance indicator data collected for those services that fell within its remit.  It provided Quarter 2 data for 2017-18 along with comparative information where available.


Members were invited to present questions and responses were provided on the data presented:


  • PI 29 – Members requested assurance that measures were in place to manage the issues relating to households living in temporary accommodation in the Borough.


Officer advised that currently there are around 80 households in temporary accommodation, and there has been some movement of households out of temporary accommodation during the last week, but all vacant units have been allocated to households coming in.  It was noted that October had been the busiest month in terms of homeless applications this year to date.


  • PI 30 - With regards to the private sector assessments it was reported that there had been a decrease in the last quarter and this was largely due to the time of year.  There had been staff shortages due to health issues within the Team.  The Team was hopeful that it will make up the difference in completed assessments and meet the target for the year.


A question was raised in respect of the service being delivered with the recent staff cuts within the Housing Team.  The Executive Director advised that although the Team will be streamlined and duplication will be eliminated and an approach to more joined up working has been taken.  The programme has been designed around improving services for the Borough, including having a more up to date approach to providing online access to our services.


Concern was expressed regarding Universal Credit and the impact on local families following its local implementation in December this year.  Members asked how the Council publicised Universal Credit issues, as there were a number of residents who have been reported as being afraid to come forward for help. The possibility of publishing information in respect of Universal Credit in the Life Magazine was suggested – March 2018 issue.  Members noted that families could obtain advice from the Citizen Advice Bureau.  On a related matter it was noted that the Community Hub in Hatfield would not be closed.


  • PI 33 – Members were pleased with the repairs performance and the process implemented.


  • PI 39 – Members were advised of the methodology used for collecting KPIs, which changed in April 2017 and the two changes were made as follows: a) The survey question format was changed. The reason for changing was to allow for benchmarking our results directly with our peers within the sector.  b)  The collation method used also changed. Previously we would randomly select and complete telephone surveys. Now, we select 100% and first try to complete survey over the phone, and if unsuccessful send out a postal survey for completion. Officers advised that these changes provided the Council with a good understanding of what the issues were for customers.


Members noted that 70% of the complaints received within Housing and Communities were about housing property services and feedback from customers showed that the issue was not the quality of the repairs but the customer service provided after they had made a complaint.  Customers complaining had expressed dissatisfaction due to not being kept informed regularly enough, having to chase staff to find out what was going on with their complaint and other staff not knowing who was dealing with the complaint.


The implementation of short, medium, and long-term actions were explained by the Officer and these should improve the customer's journey when complaining:


  • Immediate action - The process for managing complaints has been changed. Staff are now expected to phone the complainant every week with an update. The complainant will be advised at the start of who will be investigating their case; the complaint case owner.
  • Medium term - over the next two weeks, we will be rolling-out across housing services improvements to our main information management system, Orchard. We are implementing a mini-CRM solution. This means that every contact from a housing customer, and the action taken, will be recorded for all other housing staff to see. This means that when a member of staff is speaking to a customer, all previous contacts and advice given will be transparent.
  • longer term action plan - further improvements regarding customer service are being addressed through the Customer Services Strategy


With a new Compliance Manager in post and vacancies being filled, this will help to further embed the new process. 




That the information on the performance indicators for those services within the remit of this Committee be noted.


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