Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) which provides Members with an analysis of the service performance for Sopra Steria.


Report of the Executive Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) provided Members with the analysis of the service performance for Sopra Steria against contractual key performance indicators and service level targets for benefits, council tax, business rates, Information Communication Technology (ICT), contact centre, reception and switchboard. 


Members noted that performance had been good since the commencement of the partnership despite the period of economic uncertainty the Council had experienced, together with the welfare reform changes which had impacted on performance.  


Members raised concerns regarding the comparator data reported in Appendix B - Recovery Action and Cases to Enforcement Agents.  Confusion was expressed regarding the cumulative number of cases for the year against the cumulative amount collected for the year.


The concerns raised by Members were that, based on the figures in the report, the value of the debt referred to the Enforcement Agency seemed very low (with the average debt of around £80) and that not many cases appeared to have been referred in the three month period (10).  It seemed excessive to involve the Enforcement Agents for such a small value when it was likely that the debtors would be unable to repay what they owed to the Council and would also be vulnerable.  For those vulnerable individuals, the involvement of the Enforcement Agents together with the fees would exacerbate the situation for those already in vulnerable situation.  Officers explained that the timing of court hearing resulted in a difference between the numbers of cases passed to the Enforcement Agents in the first two quarters. Officers also said that accounts below £50.00 are not generally passed to the Enforcement Agents.


Members asked for clarification on the Enforcement Agent data.


A Sub-Committee was previously set up to look at the use of Enforcement Agents and that the Members of the Sub-Committee, who were present at the meeting, stated that they had been satisfied with the policy which had been agreed by Cabinet.  The Group had considered that the policy had been right at the time and that it was the right thing to refer the cases to the Enforcement Agents should money be owed to the Council.  The Council were happy with the policy at this time.  However the reported figures were of concern.


Officers explained that the Enforcement Agency was only used when all avenues had been explored and the Council was still unable to recover the debt.


Following further discussion on the level of debt referred to the Enforcement Agents, the Chairman explained that this was very much work in progress.  It was suggested that Members may find a follow-up workshop meeting helpful.  The session would be open to all Members of this Committee.  The workshop would be held in the New Year.  An aged debtors’ report, which provided details of the ages of the debts maybe a useful document for Members to consider at a future meeting.  The meeting would also provide Members of the Committee with an opportunity to understand the debt recovery process operated by the Council.  




(1)   That the report which detailed the achievements against target of Sopra Steria be noted.


(2)   That a council tax recovery workshop with Officers be arranged in the New Year to which all Members of the Committee be invited to attend to review the debt recovery process.

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