Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance).


Report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) detailing change of use to Sui-Generis large house in multiple occupation (HMO) for up to nine occupants.


Retrospective planning permission had been sought for the change of use from Class C3 (single family dwelling) to Sui Generis (large HMO for up to nine residents).


The changes included:


·         Alterations to the existing layout 

·         Conversation of the front ground floor bedroom into a communal kitchen and dining room

·         Reduction of the number of occupants to nine

·         Shared use of the garden (accessed through the existing galley kitchen)

·         Six parking spaces on the hard-surfaced site frontage

·         Conversion of the car port into a garage - including alterations to southern boundary with No 109 The Ryde – replacement of the fence with a 3m high wall


The reason that the application had been presented to the Development Management Committee was because the Hatfield Town Council has objected to the proposal.


A late representation had been received from a neighbour which agreed with the observation that the use of the property as a HMO constituted a break to the restrictive covenants imposed on the development of the Ryde.


Mr Matt Dibbs, objector spoke against the application


Hatfield Town Councillor James Broach spoke against the application and objected to the change of use of a family home to a large HMO, which was out of keeping in the area and would have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the residents of the neighbouring properties and the occupiers of the house itself.


Ward Councillor Caroline Gillett spoke against the application which was considered to have a total disregard for the neighbours and which broke the restrictive covenants associated with the development.


Following discussion, during which Members raised a number of concerns.


·         Parking arrangements and access to the crossover was considered to be inadequate for the number of occupants, which would result in the grass verge being irreparably damaged 

·         Any additional vehicles associated with the property would then park on the road, causing increased parking issues for the local residents

·         Extension of the crossover would be detrimental to the character of the area and street tree 

·         The proposal was out of keeping with the area, which was characterised by detached and semi-detached/linked houses of families


It was then proposed by Councillor T.Lyons, seconded by Councillor M.Cowan and



(13 voting for, 1 against)


That planning permission for 111 The Ryde, Hatfield, AL9 5DP - 6/2016/0900/FULL notwithstanding the Officer’s recommendation for approval be overturned and refused for the following reason.


“By virtue of the inaccessibility of the proposed parking area from the public highway, and the change in the nature of the use of the property, the proposed use fails to demonstrate a high standard of design, or to respect the character and context of the surrounding area.  Therefore, the proposal fails to comply with the requirements of Policies D1 and D2 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005”.




The decision has been made taking into account, where practicable and appropriate the requirements of paragraphs 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework and material planning considerations do not justify a decision contrary to the development plan.


That the development/works shall not be started and completed other than in accordance with the approved plans and details:


Plan Number

Revision Number


Received Date



Site Plan

9 June 2016



Block Plan

9 June 2016



Existing Ground Floor Plan

9 June 2016



Existing First Floor Plan

9 June 2016

1326 PL 02


Elevation Drawing 1326 PL  02

3 January 2018

1326 PL 01


Proposed Ground and First Floor Plans

3 January 2018


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and details.

Supporting documents: