Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and accompanying presentation provides this Committee with the performance indicator data collected for those services that fall within its remit. It provides Quarter 3 for 2017-18, along with comparative information. 


Report of the Executive Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and accompanying presentation provided the Committee with the Quarter 3 2017-18 performance indicator data collected for services within its remit, along with comparative information.


The report and presentation helped to identify which of the Councils’ services had improved, not improved or remained the same in their key performance areas. Service comments were also included to explain the performance, along with any further action needed.


Most the Performance Indicators (PI’s) performed well, targets were met or just missed.


Following Members’ questions, the Head of Environment informed Members that targets for PI 18 “Percentage of household waste collected and sent for reuse, recycling and composting” were not set at 100% and would never be set at that level due to the fact that residents composted material at home, which was unquantifiable.  The target for Q3 of 2017/18 was 42% and it was narrowly missed at 40%. 


Members noted that Officers set the targets each year in light of what they considered to be achievable.  It was noted that the recycling rate was above the National Average but also that the introduction of a charge for brown bins by the Council last year would have impacted on the figures. 


A number of Members expressed the view that more ambitious and stretching targets should be set across the board and in particular for  PI 18, “Percentage of household waste collected and sent for reuse, recycling and composting” and PI 19 “The cleaner local streets survey rating based on amount of litter and detritus”  It was felt that the current level of cleanliness was not acceptable and residents were not satisfied with the level of service as  indicated in PI 20 “The percentage of residents either “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with street cleansing (e.g. litter and sweeping services)”.


Members also queried PI 28 “The percentage of planning enforcement investigations completed within the stated timescale”.  There were no figures for the categories and the Head of Planning advised he would get back to the Member in question as to why there were no figures.


The following answer was circulated to Members on 28 March 2018:


The graph showed performance in Q3 of 2017/2018 as 0% and the accompanying explanation was “No cases in the relevant categories were received in this period and so no investigations were completed”.  For clarification, the performance target related to Priority A investigations which were serious enforcement breaches in the form of works to a listed building, works to protected trees and works to trees in conservation areas.  Because there were no such investigations during Q3, the performance was null.


Regarding PI 23 “Completion rate of all tree maintenance work within the planned programme” Members requested a breakdown of the tree maintenance jobs completed, rather than just the % figure.  The following answer was circulated to Members on 9 April 2018:


“There were 248 tree jobs completed during Q3: 153 in October 2017, 51 in Nov 2017 and 44 in Dec 2017”.


The Chairman congratulated the Officers in their performance and stated that the targets would be revisited and revised in the new municipal year.




(1)          That the performance indicator data collected and reported be noted.


(2)          That the views expressed during the discussion of the Performance Indicators be noted.


(3)          That consideration be given to the revision of the performance indicators for the new Municipal Year by the relevant Service Teams be agreed.

Supporting documents: