Agenda item


Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) which providesmembers with a new draft street trading policy detailing the Council’s current practises and a new system for vacant pitches and town centre pitches. The report recommends that the policy in Appendix 1 and Appendices A-H are sent out for consultation.


The report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) provided Members with a new draft street trading policy which detailed the Council’s current practises and a new system for the allocation of vacant pitches and town centre pitches.


The goal of the new policy was to protect public health through the control of street trading to ensure traders operated within the law and acted fairly in their dealings with the public as well as to prevent nuisance, unsafe practices and anti-social behaviour.


As waiting lists were long, there would be improved notices inviting applications for available pitches such as on the Council website, social media or the Council Offices’ notice board.




That the draft street trading policy shown in Appendix 1 (including Appendices A-H) be released for consultation to the stakeholders listed in Appendix 2.

Supporting documents: