Agenda item


Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance).


Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) detailing the erection of two detached properties following demolition of the existing dwelling.


The application site comprised a detached two storey dwelling located toward the northern end of the road with front driveway/garden and rear garden.  The dwelling was finished in brick below a tiled pitched roof with gabled flanks.


Upland Drive was a private access road featuring a linear row of residential properties running parallel to the Great North Road (A1000), which was separated by a landscaped screen.  The site was on the eastern edge of Brookmans Park, which was excluded from the Green Belt, as designated in the Local Plan.


The application had been presented to the Development Management Committee because Councillor Jonathan Boulton had objected and called-in the application on the grounds of effect on amenity of neighbours and character of the road.


Officers proposed an amendment to the conditions to include that a bat survey be undertaken prior to any development taking place.


Mr Jeremy Deswarte, Agent, spoke in favour of the application.


Mrs Said, on behalf of Mrs J.Parish (Objector), spoke against the application and stated that the proposed development would be detrimental to the neighbouring properties and were out of keeping with the street scene.  The construction traffic would severely damage the already fragile infrastructure as had occurred during previous developments of other plots within the road.


Mr Eric Ewer, as Chairman and on behalf of the Upland Road Committee, spoke in objection to the proposed development and concurred with Mrs J.Parish regarding the anticipated damage to the infrastructure caused by the construction vehicles.  Mr Ewer also referred to the problems of access for residents as already experienced during the construction of the previous developments within the road.


North Mymms Parish Councillor, Jacqueline Boulton, spoke against the application, expressing the view that the proposal represented an overdevelopment of the site which would result in the terracing effect being more marked, the overdevelopment of the plot and would be out of character with the streetscene.


Members raised the following points during the discussion which ensued.


        A S106 Agreement for the reimbursement of cost from potential damage to the road to be put in place.

        The developer be conditioned to put right any damage caused to the road from construction traffic.

        The developers be encouraged to work together with the Road Committee regarding the upkeep of the road throughout the construction period and to undertake any necessary repairs.

        Support was expressed regarding the Officers report and assessment of the need for the extended family members.

        The development was considered to be appropriate in this part of the Borough.

        Officers were satisfied that the parking provision was sufficient and there were no issues regarding visibility of traffic onto the Great North Road.

        The garden of no.33 was considered to be too short and narrow for a development of this size, a family home.

        The front garden would be used for car parking rather than garden space.

        Replacement of any damaged plants or shrubs should be conditioned against.

        The application was in accordance with the Council’s Planning Policy.

        The proposed development was out of keeping with the streetscene and result in an overdevelopment of the site and would result in a cramped site with tall and bulky properties.

        The resulting houses would not sit comfortably with the other houses in the road.

        The majority of the objections listed in the report were relevant to the views expressed by Members of the Committee.

        Permission had been granted for two identical houses to be built on the adjacent plot, which replaced a single dwelling.


Following the discussion, it was then moved by Councillor P.Shah, seconded by Councillor A.Chesterman with five voting for and seven against the proposed development.


Members gave further consideration to the reasons the proposed development was unacceptable and were summarised as follows:


The overbearing nature of the proposed development on the streetscene.

The development would result in a cramped site, with little amenity space for each property.

The design of the proposed buildings would be out of keeping with the other properties in road.

The original streetscene would be irreparably damaged.

There would be significant loss to the neighbouring properties.


On being put to the vote it was 



(7 for and 5 against)


That notwithstanding the Officer’s recommendation for approval the planning application be refused for the following reason:


“By virtue of the lack of spacing between the proposed dwellings, the development would be overly cramped resulting in an unacceptable impact on the appearance of the street, contrary to the requirements of Policies D1 and D2 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005”.


(Councillor J.Boulton, having called-in the application, withdrew from the meeting).

Supporting documents: