Agenda item


Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) sets out an appeal against the refusal of Estate Management Consent for the replacement and extension of existing hardstanding to cover the front garden. 


Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance), which set out an appeal against the refusal of Estate Management Consent for a replacement and extension of existing hardstanding to cover the front garden.  The application (reference: 6/2018/1478/EM) was refused on the 13 August 2018 for the following reason:


‘The proposal involved the removal of the hedgerow and installation of an inappropriate proportion of hardstanding which would harm the amenities and values of the street scene.  Accordingly, the proposed development is contrary to the Policy EM3 and EM4 of the Estate Management Scheme’.


The proposal was for the installation of a hard surface to the front of the dwelling measuring 6.0m in depth and 5.75m wide, totalling to 34.5sqm.  Alongside the creation of vehicular access, the applicant sought to remove the hedgerow on the eastern boundary line, which measures 5.7m in length, including the removal of the hedgerow on the southern boundary line (adjacent the highway), which measured 3.3m in length.


The key issue in the determination of this appeal case was the impact of an inappropriate proportion of hardstanding the loss of soft landscaping exacerbating the harm upon the visual amenities and values of the Garden City.  The assessment concluded the development would not result in adverse harm upon residential amenity of adjoining occupiers.


The appellant was in attendance and reiterated the points made in their letter of appeal, and in addition stated that:


·         The vehicles parked inappropriately at night potentially could cause an accident.

·         During the daytime, when Council Officers have visited the area the problem is not excessive but the number of vans/cars parked up at night/weekends on either road side and on the grass verges causes issues.

·         The number of properties that have 100% hardstanding areas without hedges had been brought to the Council’s attention, unfortunately addresses had not been provided so no action could be taken.  Officers requested that the appellant forward the address to the Planning Officer.


The Panel requested that a member of the enforcement team visit Great Ganett to assess those properties which had been highlighted to having excessive and unauthorised hardstanding and that these properties then be approached to seek a resolution to the issue.


Members were pleased that the appellant had come to the meeting to put his case forward.  It was noted that no additional evidence or information had been provided by the appellant which would add to or would alter Officer’s recommendation.  The Officers advised that the proposal failed to reflect the character and appearance of the terrace properties to which it was located and the streetscene of Great Ganett.


Members commented on keeping the Garden City ethos and providing parking bays to help ease the parking situation.  Further consideration was given to creating bays by removing grass verges.  Clarification was sought from Officers in respect of the property being a Council property in the past and the effects of being a leasehold or a freehold property.   


The Panel agreed that the parking issues highlighted would be brought to the Parking Officer’s attention for consideration.


It was moved by Councillor H. Bromley, seconded by Councillor M. Cowan and



            (5 for and 2 against)


That the Members uphold the delegated decisions and dismiss the appeal, with the addition of the following informatives:


1.    It is recommended that the applicant contact the Planning Team in order to create a proposal that better meets the aims, purposes and policies within the Welwyn Garden City Estate Management Scheme.


Supporting documents: