Agenda item


Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the introduction of a Verge Protection Order (VPO) to cover verges, footways and vehicle crossovers (VXOs). The VPO which covered the four areas was formally advertised in December 2017 (Appendix B).



Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the introduction of Verge Protection Order in various roads, Handside Ward, Welwyn Garden City.  The Council had consulted residents in the four areas which have been described as Parkway A, B, C and D.  The proposals included the introduction of a Verge Protection Order (VPO) to cover verges, footways and vehicle crossovers (VXOs).


The Council had received a number of requests to deal with people parking on the verge and pavements.  The report noted that at present, enforcement of parking on the pavement was the remit of the Police, as this could be classed as an obstruction; however this is being regarded as a low priority for the Police due to other work pressures.  Vehicles parking on the verge and green areas have been reported through to the Council and the Street Warden team who would monitor and place notices on vehicles parking in such areas, requesting that they refrain from doing this. Without a VPO in place, there are no means to effectively manage vehicles parking in these areas.


A highly attended residents’ meeting was held in the Council Chamber on the 24 October 2018 which was generally positive. However, residents in Parkway Close and Honeycroft felt there were extenuating circumstances which needed further investigation. A meeting was held by members from both HCC and WHBC in November 2018 and possible options were explored.  A meeting also took place with Ward Councillors and County Councillors for the area on the 20 December 2018 in which alternative solutions were discussed and agreed by Councillors, as the only way forward to address the concerns of the residents particularly in Parkway Close and Honeycroft.


The report set out the results of the informal consultation, the statutory consultation and the recommended course of action.  A total of 258 properties and businesses had been consulted.  The report also outlined the amendments the Council was proposing and the objections which were received in response to the advertised VPO.


The Officer outlined the current situation in Parkway Close and although consultation to include the four new areas and the four formal crossovers would take place before and during the construction, the Officer also advised that the four parking bays and further agreed works in Parkway would be completed before enforcement commences to enforce the new restrictions.  In terms of funding, the option had been discussed with County Councillor Quinton who had agreed to look at funding through his Locality Budget.


Members were advised that the Council had also recognised Honeycroft as a special case, in fact residents are in a worse position than those in Parkway Close as they do not have access to a parking area within Honeycroft itself. In some cases, the driveways which are classed as public highway end at the entrance to the garage attached to the property. In the October meeting of CPPP as with Parkway Close, the Verge Protection Order had been amended to remove driveways from the VPO.


Members thanked officers for resolving this issue satisfactorily.


It was moved by Councillor H. Bromley, seconded by Councillor S. Elam and





That the Panel consider the objections received in 3.1.1, 3.2.3 and 3.3.9; in particular the issues raised in Section 15 around equalities and diversity.  Having considered all the detailed issues in the this including any proposed mitigating actions; recommends to Cabinet to proceed with the creation of Verge Protection Order as amended (Appendix C), for the reasons set out in this report.


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