Agenda item


Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) detailing the applications for Small Community Grants.


Members received a report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) which detailed the applications that had been received for Small Community Grants.


Small Community Grants were limited to a maximum of £2,000 per application and there was £39,000 in total available during the financial year 2018/19 to be awarded. 


The Board noted that thirteen applications totalling £22,569 had been received for the first round of Small Community Grants for 2018/19. The second round of funding would be open in September 2018 and would close in December prior to the Grants Board in January 2019. 


Members subsequently agreed which applications for Small Community Grants met the Council’s priorities and criteria, and if so how much they would each receive:


11th Welwyn Garden City Guides


An application had been received for the amount of £646.32 towards the rental of a Council garage used to store camping equipment for camping holidays.


Members considered it to be a good application as the activities were empowering for young women from all backgrounds.


AGREED a grant of £646.32 (subject to the understanding that in the future the organisation would need to evidence how they would raise money for the projects in order to support their request for storage).


Brookmans Park School PTA


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 towards replacing the lights and sound system in the school hall.


Members commented that they were unable to agree the grant as it was felt that the beneficiaries of the project would be a small section of the community and mainly just those in attendance at the school. Members also commented that if the PA system was portable and could be hired by the community that a future application might be considered. Members advised that the organisation might wish to approach their Hertfordshire County Councillor in the future.


REFUSED the application.


Friends of Harwood Hill


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 towards new furniture and furnishings in a new library building including an outdoor reading area.


Members expressed the view that the project would benefit the school only and not the wider community.  Members suggested that the organisation might wish to approach their local Hertfordshire Country Councillor for funding. It was also noted that the application details within the budget were not accurate.


REFUSED the application.


Groundwork East


An application had been received for the amount of £1,793 towards supporting the Youth Council in holding an event for young carers.


Members supported the application agreeing that it would support young carers in the community and contribute to mental health and wellbeing.


AGREED a grant of £1,793.


Hertfordshire Action on Disability


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 for an Occupational Therapist to carry out twice-weekly assessments for over six months, for specialist seating and bed products. 


Members supported the application because the scheme would help those with disabilities and noted that there was high demand for the service.  It was acknowledged that the charity was a county-wide organisation and that evidence would be required to ensure the Council would be funding a localised project that would benefit the residents of Welwyn and Hatfield. 


AGREED a grant of £2,000 (subject to further information as requested by Members)


Herts Disability Sports Foundation


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 towards expanding the adapted cycling provision at Stanborough Park, so there are regular sessions for families and individuals to go on led rides.


Members considered it to be a good application to help those with disabilities and understood that there had been requests from the public to increase provision.   It was acknowledged that it was a county-wide organisation although funding would go to sessions at Stanborough Park which would need to be evidenced by the organisation.


AGREED a grant of £2,000 (subject to further information as requested by Members).


Herts Sport Partnership


An application had been received for the amount of £1,760 towards paying multi-sport coaches to run sessions during the summer holidays for children from deprived areas, as well as to pay cooks to prepare nutritious meals. Members applauded the applicant on how they were making sure they were approaching and engaging with those families most in need.


It was noted that Councillor G.Hayes knew the applicant.  


Members supported the application as it provided health benefits for children in terms of exercise but also diet, acknowledging that many families could not afford to pay for activities for their children, as well as provide food for them over the summer holiday period. 


AGREED a grant of £1,760.


Herts Young Homeless


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 towards targeting Welwyn Hatfield schools and local youth provision with HomeTruths sessions.


Members considered it to be a good application to help tackle the homeless issue in the borough and support young people. It was noted that nine districts in Hertfordshire were already supporting the project.


AGREED a grant of £2,000.


Welwyn Hatfield Community and Voluntary Services/Potential Kids (CVS)


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 towards delivering Stay & Play sessions to children on the autistic spectrum and with ADHD and also to their Parent/Carers and Siblings.


Members commended the objective of the project but commented that the application was unclear and the organisation also had over two years of reserves. Members proposed that the organisation could fund the pilot sessions in the first instance and then reapply for funds to develop the project if necessary.


DEFFERED the application.


Stevenage Football Club Foundation


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 towards the future of the Friday Night KICKS project including venue hire and specialist staff.


Members considered it to be a good application to help address anti-social behaviour


AGREED a grant of £2,000.


Stress Less, Relax to the Max


An application had been received for the amount of £2,000 towards setting up sessions across the district for those diagnosed with mental health issues and with referrals from the NHS, with a primary focus of offering meditation techniques.


Members supported the overall principle of the project however commented that the application lacked clarity.  They expressed concerns with regards to the location of the sessions being in areas where there was less need for them and also with regards to the business email which did not reflect the fact that the sessions were open to both men and women. Members suggested that the organisation could fund the pilot sessions in the first instance and then reapply for funds to develop the project if necessary.


DEFFERED the application.


Welwyn Hatfield Sport and Physical Activity Alliance


An application had been received for the amount of £550 towards promoting sport and physical activity to the pupils and families of Monks Walk primary schools during a days event in the autumn term.


Members commented that they were unable to agree the grant, as it did not include all the primary schools, particularly those that would really benefit. It was also unclear on what the pathways were for those young people that took part and it was not clear on how the applicant was going to ensure that those children and families that would most benefit from such an event would be targeted.


REFUSED the application.


WGC All Boarders


An application had been received for the amount of £1,820 towards restoring unkempt garden beds at Welwyn Garden City Station. In addition, being a Community Rail Partnership (CRP), the applicant sought funding towards a waiting room art exhibition.


It was noted by the Board that the applicant was the wife of current borough Councillor. 


Whilst members were pleased that the project was going to work with local college and the community group’s members expressed the view that the land in question belonged to the railways and therefore was not the Council’s responsibility. Members also expressed their concerns that nearly 30% of the funds being requested were for a launch event.


REFUSED the application.


RESOLVED that grants should be paid as follows:




Amount Sought

Amount Agreed

11th Welwyn Garden City Guides





Brookman Park School PTA




Friends of Harwood Hill




Groundworks East





Hertfordshire Action on Disability





Herts Disability Sports Foundation





Herts Sport Partnership




Herts Young Homeless




Welwyn Hatfield Community and Voluntary Services/ Potential Kids (CVS)




Stevenage Football Foundation




Stress Less, Relax to the Max




Welwyn Hatfield Sport and Physical Activity Alliance




WGC All Boarders










Supporting documents: