Agenda item


The Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee appointed a sub-committee to undertake a scrutiny of Sport and Activity in Schools and a report was presented to Cabinet on 5 January 2016.


The Cabinet agreed the recommendations from the sub-committee, as shown below:




That the following recommendations from the Social Scrutiny Sub-

Committee on sport and physical activity in the Borough’s schools be



(1)  No further work be done on this topic at this time.


(2)  A review of the outcomes from Public Health projects on obesity in young people be undertaken in twelve months.


(3)  A review of the effectiveness of the revised Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Awards scheme be conducted in twelve months, particularly in relation to encouraging children into sport via “beginner” grants.


(4)  Subject to the outcomes of the two items above, the Sub-Committee to decide whether to reconvene in order to pursue this topic based on all of the information available and consideration of whether recommendations could be formulated that might be welcomed and adopted by the schools and/or the Schools Sports Partnership.







Members were advised that the report of the Scrutiny sub-committee on the topic of Sport and Physical Activity in the Borough’s Schools had been presented to Cabinet on 5 January 2016.


Cabinet had agreed the recommendations from the sub-committee.


Members commented that it had been frustrating to have so few responses to the questionnaires.


Members also said that, should the topic be revisited, the Schools’ Sports Partnership should be invited to input to the review.


NOTED the report.

Supporting documents: