Agenda item


Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance).


Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on the erection of acoustic shelter and wash facility and installation of biological washdown water treatment and recycling system to the south west side of the existing workshop.


The application site was a parcel of land located off Reynards Road to the north of Welwyn.  The front of the site was an open grassed area beyond which was a line of tall trees spanning most of the site width.  The trees partially screened the rear of the site from view from the front and Reynards Road.  The rear of the site, set back from Reynards Road, related to the maintenance and storage of vehicles, machinery and equipment in connection with an existing landscaping and grounds maintenance business of John O’Connor.  There was an existing workshop building in the north of the site with an area of hardstanding to the front and side.  To the front of this workshop there was an existing jet wash area.


To the north east and the south west of the application site were residential properties, whilst to the rear of the site was an agricultural field.


Members noted that planning permission was sought for the erection of an acoustic shelter and a wash down facility and the installation of biological water treatment and recycling system to the south west side of the existing workshop building.


The acoustic shelter would be to house wash down equipment.  It would have an approximate floor area of 2.5 sqm, its height would be 2.7m with brick sides, a flat roof and acoustic door.  It would attach to the side of the existing workshop.


Planning permission had also sought for the use of a wash down facility to be located adjacent to the existing workshop at the south west of the site.  The facility would be sited on an existing concrete surface which would be modified to enable drainage falls.  It would be open and have no roof or canopy and have an approximate area of 68 sqm.


Although having no roof or canopy, the wash down facility would have a 2m high close-boarded set of opening gates to screen it.  These gates would be located to the south.  The height of the fence/gate at 2m would mean it would not require planning permission and was subsequently not assessed as part of this application.


The south west boundary fence adjacent to the proposed wash facility would be maintained as existing but would have a set of Perspex panels applied to control water spray.  The Perspex panels would be applied to an existing 2m high fence.  No details had been provided with regard to the panels, but given the Agent had confirmed they would be no higher than an existing boundary fence (2m high), they did not require planning permission and did not form part of this assessment either.


In addition, just to the southern edge of this proposed wash down facility, it was proposed to install a biological water and treatment recycling system consisting of a triple chamber recycling tank measuring at 5524 x1200 mm.  The entire biological and treatment recycling system would be below ground level.  This aspect of the proposal was an engineering operation that required planning permission.


The application originally sought planning permission for a canopy to be erected above an existing jet wash facility, together with a biological wash down area to the front of the workshop building (to the south). The application has now been amended with the whole wash down facility being proposed to be located to the south west of the workshop building. There is now no proposal for a canopy above this wash down facility.


The application had been presented to the Development Management Committee because Councillor T.Kingsbury had objected on the grounds that the proposal could be considered overdevelopment in the Green Belt.  In addition he had asked that it be called-in so that the neighbours’ concerns relating to noise nuisance and traffic movements could be fully considered.


Members noted that Councillor Kingsbury (and all those consulted originally) had been re-consulted of the new position, but Councillor Kingsbury maintained his call-in for the reasons given above.


Welwyn Parish Council objected to the proposal as follows:


“Welwyn Parish Council unanimously agreed to submit a major objection. Permission was never granted for the pressure wash currently in use at the property as the application for it (6/2018/0969) was withdrawn. They maintain their objection to the amended location of the wash down facility considering it as “an unsuitable development in a residential area within the Green Belt”.


Mrs J.Naylor (Objector) spoke against the application who considered the proposal was an unnecessary and inappropriate development in the Green Belt.  The applicants continued to breach conditions of past planning approvals and there was no lawful use which caused a noise nuisance in a rural area.


Mr M.O’Connor (Applicant) spoke in support of the development stating that the wash facility was crucial to the maintenance of the machinery for his landscape business.


Councillor T.Kingsbury (Ward Member) reiterated the reasons why he had objected to the proposal spoke and stated that he had received complaints from neighbouring properties.


Members of the Committee supported the concerns raised by both Mrs J.Naylor and Councillor T.Kingsbury and were of the view that restrictions should be placed on the hours of operation, the new acoustic shelter and wash facility should be constructed and brought into operation within three months of the date of this planning permission and that following this no other area of the site should be used for jet washing.


Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor M.Cowan, seconded by Councillor P.Hebden and



(13 Members voting for)


That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report, subject to the amendment of Condition 3 and an additional condition as follows:


Condition 3


“The use of the wash facility for the purposes hereby permitted shall not be operated other than between the hours of 0700 to 1700 hours, Monday to Friday and between the hours of 0900 to 1300 hours on no more than three Saturdays per year and at no time on Sundays or Bank holidays. A written record shall be kept of such Saturday working which shall be available for inspection by the Local Planning Authority at any reasonable time.”


REASON: To accord with the requirements of condition 7 of planning permission ref: N6/2015/0923/FP in order to protect the residential amenity of adjoining occupiers in accordance with Policy D1 and R19 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005”.


Additional Condition


The new acoustic shelter and wash facility shall be constructed and brought into operation within three months of the date of this planning permission. Following this no other area of the site shall be used for jet washing.


Reason: To protect the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers in accordance with Policy D1 and R19 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005”.


The development/ works shall not be retained other than in accordance with the approved plans and details:


Plan Number

Revision Number


Received Date



Proposed Plans

4 March 2019



Site Plan

4 March 2019



Location Plan

4 March 2019



Proposed Elevations

4 March 2019



Existing Plans

4 March 2019



Existing Elevations

4 March 2019


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and details.




The decision has been made taking into account, where practicable and appropriate the requirements of paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework and material planning considerations do not justify a decision contrary to the development plan (see Officer’s report which can be viewed on the Council's website or inspected at these offices).

Supporting documents: