Committee details

Development Management Committee

Purpose of committee

This committee (formerly the Planning Control Committee) is responsible for all matters relating to development control and enforcement. It considers planning applications not dealt with by the Corporate Director under delegated authority.


Development Management Committee Meetings can be viewed online.

t.220 Tree On House

Public Speaking at Development Management Committee

We have introduced a scheme to allow members of the public to speak about planning applications at meetings of the Development Management Committee. An applicant (or their agent), a member of the local parish council and anyone who has sent in written objections or observations about the application may speak. However, only one person in each category may speak.

You should contact by 5pm, the day before the meeting, to register to speak.

Space is limited when large or a number of planning applications with local concerns are being considered at the same committee. In such cases, we ask people who would like to come along to listen, to let us know in writing or by email ( so we can have an indication of numbers. Please note that for those meetings, spaces will be given on the evening on a first come basis.


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services.
