Issue - decisions

FP979 Finance Update 2020/21

22/05/2020 - COVID-19 Financial Impact Update 2020/21 (Forward Plan Reference FP979)

(1)     Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member (Resources) to determine the allocation of the £1.28m of un-ringfenced funding in line with the budget pressures set out in section 3 of the report.


(2)     Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader, Executive Member (Resources) and Executive Member (Regeneration, Economic Development and Partnerships) to determine the distribution of support using funding from Central Government to businesses and Council tax payers.


(3)     Cabinet noted the letter shown in Appendix A from the Leader of the Council sent to the Secretary of State seeking his commitment to provide further funding for local authorities to alleviate COVID-19 related income and expenditure pressures.


(4)     Cabinet noted the estimated financial impact outlined in the report and this was subject to change as the government makes further policy announcements.