Issue - decisions

FP1060 Proposal to purchase 38 flats via the Affordable Housing Programme

16/07/2021 - Proposal to purchase 38 flats via the Affordable Housing Programme (Forward Plan Reference FP1060)

(1)   Cabinet agreed to the purchase of the 38 units at Block 1, 1 to 9 Town Centre, Hatfield, at the price of £6.505M and subject to planning approval of amendments as set out in paragraph 3.3 and a suitable legal agreement.


(2)   That, subject to approval of 2.1, Cabinet recommended to Council that a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) capital budget be approved for £3.383m for 2021/22 funded from increase in the borrowing requirement, and Cabinet noted that the remaining budget requirement for the scheme would be incorporated into the 2022/23 budget setting process.