Issue - decisions

FP1127 Community Bus Service Review

15/07/2022 - Community Bus Service Review (Forward Plan Reference FP1127)

(1)   For the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet approved that a consultation with current service users and residents commences to seek views on:


a)  The proposal to move from direct delivery by the Council into a partnership arrangement with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) to enable delivery of the lunch club community bus service to Jim McDonald Centre at The Hive.

b)  The proposal to cease direct delivery of the Shopper Hopper service, instead promoting the use of existing provision across the Borough using the Community Transport Herts signposting service.

c)  The proposal for the private hire bus service will not be resumed for the time being, and the future provision of the service was subject to the outcome of the consultation on core services.


(2)   Subject to approval of 2.1 of the report, that a further report is brought to Cabinet setting out the findings of the consultation, and subject to the outcome of the consultation, to seek approval of the recommended proposals as set out above.


(3)   Cabinet noted that any cost savings resulting from the service review will be used to reinvest in other Council services, including improving council tenant homes and support to community and voluntary organisations.