Meeting attendance

Tuesday 12th March 2019 7.30 pm, Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE

Contact:    Helen Johnson

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Sara Glick Chairman Present
Councillor Julie Cragg Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor Margaret Birleson Committee Member Present
Councillor Harry Bower Committee Member Present
Councillor James Broach Committee Member Present
Councillor Malcolm Cowan Committee Member Present
Councillor Kerstin Holman Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Tamsin Francesa Jackson-Mynott Committee Member Present
Councillor Samuel Kasumu Committee Member Present
Councillor Roger Trigg Committee Member Present
Councillor Jill Weston Committee Member Present
Councillor Fiona Thomson Guest In attendance
Jill Armstrong-Bridges Guest In attendance
Brian Rhodes Guest In attendance
Nick Long Officer In attendance
Colin Haigh Officer In attendance
Andy Cremer Officer In attendance
Cheryll Brown Officer In attendance
Jeannette Hollingsworth-Biggs Officer In attendance
Grace Crawford Officer In attendance
Lisa Devayya Officer In attendance
Helen Johnson Secretary In attendance