Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(1) The outcome of the consultation with key stakeholders with the majority of residents and leaseholders supportive of Option D which was to ‘help all occupants to move out permanently, demolish the building and redevelop the site was noted.
(2) The Cabinet agreed that the process of fully decanting the block should commence.
(3) The Cabinet agreed that high level design work should commence on the redevelopment of the site and that a further report be brought to Cabinet setting out details of the proposals.
(4) The Cabinet agreed that Officers commence negotiations with residential and commercial leaseholders and tenants regarding their future options.
(5) The Cabinet agreed that further uneconomical planned works at Queensway House, including sprinkler and ducted extractor system installation remain on hold with a responsive repairs service and other essential improvements still being provided.
Report author: Sian Chambers
Publication date: 08/11/2019
Date of decision: 05/11/2019
Decided at meeting: 05/11/2019 - Cabinet
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