Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Appointment of Supplier
Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the procurement of a digital platform.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) The Cabinet approved the appointment of The Jadu Limited through G-Cloud to provide the digital platform.
(2) In addition to the platform implementation, an initial bank of 30 consultancy/technical/development days were approved to support the start of the transformation programme as required by the Modernisation Board and Delivery Groups.
(3) Further requirements for support days and system improvements were delegated to the Modernisation Board based upon the presentation of business cases.
(4) A review was undertaken in the lead up to the expiry of the Councils contract for its content management system (CMS) to understand if additional benefits can be derived from moving the CMS to the Jadu suite of tools.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
Following on from the approval of the Digital Strategy in late 2019, the report provided an update to one of the key actions of the strategy, the procurement of a digital platform.
The platform provided some of the key tools required to review and shape customer journeys, modernising the way customers can interact with the Council.
The General Procurement Board oversaw the procurement process and had made the recommendation to Cabinet on the appointment of the preferred provider.
Report author: Richard Baker
Publication date: 14/04/2020
Date of decision: 07/04/2020
Decided at meeting: 07/04/2020 - Cabinet
Effective from: 17/04/2020