Redevelopment of Former Lido Site Stanborough Park North - Award of Contracts for Site Operator and Main Contractor (Forward Plan Reference FP927)
Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the selection of the main contractor and site operator for the delivery of the Splashlands redevelopment works.
(1) The contract for the future management and operation of the new Splashlands facility was awarded to Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) for an initial period of five years to be documented via a management agreement and lease for the site.
(2) The Cabinet agreed to give delegated authority to the Corporate Director (Environment, Resources and Cultural Services), in consultation with the Executive Member (Leisure, Culture and Communications) and the Splashlands Member Procurement Board, to award the main contractor contract for the Splashlands development.
(3) Once all the procurement associated with the Splashlands project was complete, the Cabinet agreed to rename the Splashlands Member Procurement Board the Splashlands Member Mobilisation Board to oversee the construction phase of the development as well as the opening of the facility.
Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the outcome of the tender exercise for the selection of the main contractor and site operator for the development of the former Splashlands lido site at Stanborough North Park.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) That the contract for the future management and operation of the new Splashlands facility be awarded to Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) for an initial period of five years to be documented via a management agreement and lease for the site.
(2) That the Cabinet agrees to give delegated authority to the Corporate Director (Environment, Resources and Cultural Services), in consultation with the Executive Member (Leisure, Culture and Communications) and the Splashlands Member Procurement Board, to award the main contractor contract for the Splashlands development.
(3) That once all the procurement associated with the Splashlands project was complete, the Cabinet agrees to rename the Splashlands Member Procurement Board the Splashlands Member Mobilisation Board to oversee the construction phase of the development as well as the opening of the facility.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The cross party Splashlands Board had met and agreed the evaluation criteria prior to the issue of tender for the site operator. Following the evaluation which was assessed by a professional consultancy firm it was unanimously agreed by the Board to recommend to the Cabinet to award the operator contract to GLL.
Delegated authority was sought for the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services), in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Executive Member (Resources) and the Cross Party Splashlands Board, to award the main contract. This approach had been unanimously agreed by the Board.