Issue - meetings

FP2115 Minor Building Works Contract

Meeting: 04/03/2025 - Cabinet (Item 14a)

FP2115 Minor Building Works Contract

Report of the Executive Director (Resident Services & Climate Change)

Additional documents:



That Cabinet delegates the decision to agree the best way to deliver the future of the Minor Works contract to the Executive Director (Resident Services and Climate Change) in consultation with the S151 Officer, Monitoring Officer, Executive Member for Finance and the Executive Member for Housing.




The Council recently tendered for a Minor Works Contract on General Fund Managed Properties. The bidders were required to submit bids to undertake miscellaneous general building maintenance and minor works including all ancillary trades on public buildings other than the Council housing stock. The Contract requires one operative to work full-time on council property working to the instruction of the Council. TUPE is likely to apply for this role.