21 Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy and Policy (Forward Plan Reference FP922) PDF 93 KB
Recommendations from the meeting of the Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12 June 2019 on the approval of the Strategy and Policy.
(1) The amended draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy and associated Action Plan was agreed for implementation.
(2) The Anti-Social Behaviour Policy was agreed for adoption.
Recommendations from the meeting of the Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12 June 2019 on the approval of the Strategy and Policy.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) That the amended draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy and associated Action Plan be agreed for implementation.
(2) That the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy be agreed for adoption.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The draft Strategy defined how the Council would tackle crime and anti-social behaviour through a framework of prevention, early intervention, support and enforcement and set out key priorities for the Council’s service during 2019 to 2022.
It was noted that the images contained within the draft Strategy would be changed for better fit and greater relevance.
The current Anti-Social Behaviour and Harassment Policy was approved by the Welwyn Hatfield Community Housing Trust Services Committee in August 2014.
Following the re-integration of the former Trust in February 2017 and changes in legislation since the previous policy was approved, a full review of the current policy had been carried out and it had been updated.
The Policy played to the five themes within the Community Safety Partnership Action Plan and set out what the Council considered to be anti-social behaviour, what powers there were available to prevent it and what action could be taken when it did occur.