The report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) sets out (in appendix A) a review of performance against the food safety service plan of 2018/19.
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The report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) set out (in appendix A) a review of performance against the food safety service plan of 2018/19.
It was a requirement of the Food Standards Agency that each local authority draw up, document and implement a food safety service plan then approved by members.
A discussion followed and the following points were raised:
· Some Members were concerned that 182 written warnings had been sent to food establishments and that they ought to be “named and shamed”. Officers confirmed that all ratings were available on the Council website and residents were encouraged to look up the ratings. Officers confirmed that there was no legal requirement for businesses to display a Food Hygiene Rating sticker at their premises.
· Some Members were concerned that staff shortages had been highlighted in the report, and that in the instances of public health, it was paramount that this did not affect the service. The Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) confirmed that recruitment to Environmental Health Officers was difficult and that the matter was for the Corporate Management Team (CMT) to review the results of the Peer Review and carry out their findings. Officers said that Brexit would also have resource implications.
It was then moved by Councillor M.Cowan and seconded by Councillor F.Marsh that
“Members are concerned about the tightness of staffing and the potential risk to the public from not having a full complement of staff in the area and ask Cabinet to review the situation”
It was then put to the vote and
6 Voting For, 3 Voting Against and 2 Abstained.
Members then expressed their concern at the number of samples, taken by the Environmental team, that were unsatisfactory. Officers clarified that the samples could have been from surfaces and not just food.
The Chairman asked Officers to give a fuller account of want went into food inspections at the next Committee meeting.
That the Committee consider and note the content of the review.