22 Parking Services Work Programme Update PDF 94 KB
Approval of revised parking services work programme 2019-2021.
(1) The Cabinet approved the revised Parking Services Work Programme for 2019 to 2021.
(2) The process for parking improvements which were carried out by the Council was approved.
(3) The Panel’s recommendation to the Cabinet to look at parking services overall for the potential to expand resources as part of the budget setting process was noted.
The Panel had considered a revised parking services work programme for 2019 to 2021.
In July 2018, following a recommendation from the Panel, the Cabinet approved an additional Officer resource on a fixed two year contract to be appointed to the Parking Services Team. This Officer role was to carry out consultations with residents and businesses for schemes which were on the approved Council’s Parking Services Work Programme. Initially, the post was successfully filled for six months, however it had become vacant in February 2019 and although the vacancy had been advertised on two occasions, the Council had not succeeded in employing a person to the position.
Additionally, another two year fixed term position in the Team became vacant in April 2019 and one of the Senior Parking Technician posts had more recently became vacant. Every endeavour was being made to promptly fill the vacancies. The vacancies had been discussed by the Panel and it was suggested that an additional resource should be made available to the Team because of the number of large projects in the work programme and the adverse impact on these of the current vacancies. It was noted that the Council was proposing to merge two fixed term vacancies to provide one 3.5 year fixed term contract to make the position a more appealing employment opportunity. It was suggested that the post be made permanent to generate interest in the position and the Panel agreed to ask the Cabinet to consider a permanent post as part of the budget setting process.
(1) That the Cabinet approves the revised Parking Services Work Programme for 2019 to 2021.
(2) That the process for parking improvements which were carried out by the Council be approved.
(3) That the Panel’s recommendation to the Cabinet to look at parking services overall for the potential to expand resources as part of the budget setting process be noted.
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services on a revised parking services work programme for 2019-2021.
Additional documents:
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services), which provided an update on the Parking Services work programme. In July 2018, following a recommendation from this Panel, Cabinet approved an additional officer resource for a fixed two year contract to be appointed to the Parking Services Team. This officer role was to carry out consultations with residents and businesses, which were on the approved Council’s Parking Services Work Programme. Initially, the post was successfully filled for six months, however the post had become vacant in February 2019 and although the vacancy had been advertised on two occasions, the Council has not succeeded in employing a person to the position.
Additionally, another two year fixed term position in Parking Services Team became vacant in April 2019 and one of the Senior Parking Technicians posts has more recently became vacant. Every endeavour was being made to promptly fill the vacancies. Discussion ensued on the vacancies and it was suggested that additional resource should be made available to enable the Parking Services Team. It was noted that the Council was proposing to merge the two fixed term vacancies to provide one 3.5 year fixed term contract to make the position more appealing employment opportunity. It was suggested that Cabinet be asked to make the post permanent to generate interest in the position. The Panel agreed that the resource be considered as a permanent post as part of the budget setting process.
The report noted that the Parking Services Work Programme 2018/20 had been approved in July 2018 and took into consideration the number of large projects on the work programme. The current vacancies in the Parking Team was having an influence on the projects on the current work programme.
It was noted that Peartree would need to be deferred, as a large number of roads in Salisbury Village were due to be adopted in the coming months by Hertfordshire County Council. This would mean the current parking restrictions could not be managed by the private company, therefore unable to be enforceable. Members commented on work required at various junctions in Hatfield and surrounding areas such as Campion Road. Although vehicles had been sighted parked on either side of the road/junction in congested areas; it was felt that this provided a form of traffic calming. It was agreed that Campion Road works be considered in the next work programme. A Member commented that there may be resource available from the Hertfordshire County Council’s Locality Budget for improvement to highway junctions.
The Panel noted that changing parking conditions often generated negative publicity with some parking being displaced into nearby roads. With any change there will be some residents that see restrictions being imposed as a means of taking away parking spaces but in reality these vehicles appear to be parked in areas that are not designated parking bays.
1. That the Panel recommends to approve to Cabinet the revised Parking Services Work Programme 2019-2021, as outlined in Appendix A. This being based ... view the full minutes text for item 3