22 Introduction of Waiting Restrictions In Various Roads, Handside Ward, Welwyn Garden City PDF 90 KB
Consideration of objections and proposed waiting restrictions.
Having considered the proposed waiting restrictions, objections received and the issues raised around equalities and diversity, together with all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions, the Cabinet agreed to proceed with the implementation of the amended proposed waiting restrictions, as recommended by the Panel for the reasons given.
The Panel had considered the proposed waiting restrictions and the objections received.
It was noted that a number of residents in Lemsford Lane living opposite Stanborough School had complained of congestion and unnecessary obstruction. They had requested double yellow lines to replace the existing single yellow line Monday to Friday restriction as parking problems occurred particularly at weekends when the school hosted sporting activities. Buses found it difficult to pass through parked vehicles on either side of the road and residents struggled to access/egress their off-street parking provision.
The elderly and less mobile residents living at the top end of Stanborough Close found it difficult to manoeuvre in and out of their parking bays due to the close proximity of vehicles parked opposite.
That having considered the proposed waiting restrictions, objections received and the issues raised around equalities and diversity, together with all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions, the Cabinet agrees to proceed with the implementation of the amended proposed waiting restrictions, as recommended by the Panel for the reasons set out.
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the implementation of proposed waiting restrictions.
Additional documents:
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the introduction of waiting restrictions in various roads, Handside Ward, Welwyn Garden City. The report primarily concerned two separate locations, the area of Lemsford Lane directly outside Stanborough School and Stanborough Close, a small residential cul de-sac.
Consideration was given to Lemsford Lane, where a number of residents residing opposite Stanborough School had complained of congestion and unnecessary obstruction. They had requested double yellow lines to replace the existing single yellow line Monday to Friday restriction. Parking problems occur particularly at weekends when the school hosts sporting activities. Buses find it difficult to pass through parked vehicles on either side of the road, as well as residents struggling to access/egress on to their off-street parking provision.
It was reported that the elderly and the less mobile residents living at the top end of the Stanborough Close find it difficult to manoeuvre in and out of their parking bays due to the close proximity of vehicles parked opposite.
The report set out the findings of the informal consultation, the statutory consultation and the recommended course of action. Approximately 100 properties and businesses had been consulted. The report also outlined a modification notice (Appendix B) the Council served upon residents and the objections which were received in response to the advertised Orders.
The two objections that were received related to the proposed waiting restrictions. One pertaining to Lemsford Lane and the other from Stanborough Close (shown in Appendix A).
The Panel commented on the parking outside the school and the possibility of a lay-by together with the impact on the residents within the vicinity. The report noted that the Council’s Officers from Landscape and Ecology subsequently recommended refusal of the planned parking improvement in this area as it would necessitate the removal of several mature trees. Members suggested that the school should notify parents of the parking issues.
That having considered the objections received and in addition the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues in the report, including any proposed mitigating actions, the Panel recommends to Cabinet to proceed with the implementation of the amended proposed waiting restrictions (Appendix C), for the reasons set out in the report.