Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the creation of a traffic regulation order.
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Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the introduction of waiting restrictions, resident permit parking scheme in various roads, French Horn Lane, East and South West wards, Hatfield. It was noted that within the next year work was due to be started on the redevelopment of Hatfield Town Centre, including proposals to construct a new multi-storey car park in The Common car park. The redevelopment is likely to cause a level of parking displacement during and after the construction of the new car park. Residents and businesses most likely be affected in and around the surrounding roads of the town centre and these were being consulted on parking restrictions to minimise the effect of any displacement. The consultation area of ‘French Horn Lane’ initially covered 23 roads to the south and east of the town centre. The consultation area was later expanded to include Oaklands Wood and St Albans Road East.
The first round of consultation letters had been sent out in January 2018 setting out the scope of the consultation. Options in the survey form for new restrictions included double yellow lines (DYLs) and permit parking zones (PPZs). The letter included a proposal to create a Verge Protection Order (VPO) to prevent parking on grass verges and pavements. There was also an option to ‘Do nothing’ to indicate that no changes were required.
The report noted that some roads returned low numbers of responses, less than 20%. These roads were given a second opportunity to respond in May 2018. As a result of the responses the French Horn Lane area was split into four separate consultation areas for supplementary consultation and detailed parking designs. The rest of the report related to just areas 1 and 2.
The Panel noted that based on the responses from the first two survey letters sent to French Horn Lane areas 1-4, the majority of respondents favoured a permit scheme to operate Monday to Friday between 8am to 6pm. 760 survey forms were sent out, 192 responses had been received.
The overall effect of the proposed restrictions would be to remove all commuter parking. Businesses and other organisations located within areas 1 and 2 would be entitled to buy permits for their staff (plans shown in Appendix B).
Members sought clarification on parking for Blue Badge holders and health carers parking to visit their patients. Officers advised that no permit was required for Blue Badge users and there are free permits available for family members who are carers. If parking was required for an event such as a coffee morning; it was advisable to contact the Parking Services Team for advice. The cost of parking permits for residents and businesses was discussed; officers advised the cost for permits had not changed in the ten years they have been in operation, green travel was also discussed.
Officers clarified the areas where the restrictions were being imposed – these being areas 1 and 2 located south of French Horn Lane and either ... view the full minutes text for item 5