Consideration of objections and proposals for waiting restrictions and resident permit parking scheme.
Having considered the proposed waiting restrictions and resident permit parking schemes, the objections received and the issues raised around equalities and diversity, together with all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions, the Cabinet agreed to proceed with the creation of a traffic regulation order for the reasons given and as recommended by the Panel.
The Panel had considered the proposed waiting restrictions and resident permit parking scheme and the objections received.
It was noted that within the next year work was due to start on the redevelopment of Hatfield Town Centre, including proposals to construct a new multi-storey car park in The Common car park. The redevelopment was likely to cause a level of parking displacement during and after the construction of the new car park. Residents and businesses most likely to be affected in and around the surrounding roads of the town centre were being consulted on parking restrictions to minimise the effect of any displacement. The consultation area of French Horn Lane initially covered 23 roads to the south and east of the town centre and the consultation area was later expanded to include Oaklands Wood and St Albans Road East.
Some roads returned low numbers of responses of less than 20% so were given a second opportunity to respond. As a result of the responses the French Horn Lane area was split into four separate consultation areas for supplementary consultation and detailed parking designs.
Based on the responses from the first two survey letters sent to French Horn Lane areas 1-4, the majority of respondents favoured a permit scheme to operate on Monday to Friday between 8.00am and 6.00pm. 760 survey forms were sent out and 192 responses received.
The overall effect of the proposed restrictions would be to remove all commuter parking and businesses and other organisations located within areas 1 and 2 would be entitled to buy permits for their staff.
That, having considered the proposed waiting restrictions and resident permit parking schemes, the objections received and the issues raised around equalities and diversity, together with all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions, the Cabinet agrees to proceed with the creation of a traffic regulation order for the reasons set out and as recommended by the Panel.