Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) asking the Cabinet to make a direct award of contract by calling off the ESPO framework.
In accordance with Contract Procedure Rules, the Cabinet agreed to make a direct award to Colliers International by calling off the ESPO Framework to provide specialist property advice and to prepare a new asset management strategy for the non-housing portfolio.
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) asking the Cabinet to make a direct award of contract by calling off the ESPO framework.
(1) The Decision Taken
That, in accordance with Contract Procedure Rules, the Cabinet agrees to make a direct award to Colliers International by calling off the ESPO Framework to provide specialist property advice and to prepare a new asset management strategy for the non-housing portfolio.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
Colliers International had provided development advisory services to the Council in respect of the regeneration of High View and Hatfield Town Centre for a number of years. The current contract appointment followed a direct award from the Cabinet in 2017.
The Estates and Development and Building Services teams required specialist property advice for key, major, regeneration projects:
• High View
• 1-9 Town Centre
• Link Drive
• The Common Multi Storey Car Park
In addition officers would like Colliers to prepare a new asset management strategy for the non-housing property portfolio.
Colliers had a large amount of detailed, commercial knowledge of the schemes and estate. Any other consultant would need time, which would result in repeated fee expenditure to get up to speed. It was, therefore considered appropriate to appoint them further without competition drawing down from the ESPO framework and making use of the competitive rates the framework offered.