Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) seeking approval to make a direct award of contract utilising the Estates Management Lawshare Framework.
The Cabinet approved the continued appointment of Bevan Brittan LLP by calling off the Estates Management Lawshare Framework to provide legal services to the Council in support of the Welwyn Garden City Town Centre North re-development.
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) seeking approval to make a direct award of contract utilising the Estates Management Lawshare Framework.
(1) The Decision Taken
That the Cabinet approves the continued appointment of Bevan Brittan LLP by calling off the Estates Management Lawshare Framework to provide legal services to the Council in support of the Welwyn Garden City Town Centre North re-development.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Council had appointed a broad consultants’ team to prepare a Supplementary Planning Document and Delivery Plan for the redevelopment of Welwyn Garden City Town Centre North.
An urgent need for legal assistance had been identified to review the title for the site, comment on leases, rights and general property matters.
Through comparisons with another legal firm, Bevan Brittan demonstrated best value in their fee estimate based on a defined scope for stage 1 of the project and in agreement with the Council’s Legal Services had a limited appointment made by calling off the Estates Management Lawshare framework.
At this point in time the detailed scope of later stages of the development were not fully known; however it was beneficial to continue using Bevan Brittan for the latter stages of the project.