34 Localised Council Tax Support Scheme 2020/21 PDF 85 KB
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The Cabinet considered the continuation of the Council’s localised council tax support scheme into 2020/21.
The scheme fully protected pensioners and families with children under five years of age as well as certain other vulnerable claimants. For others, the assessed entitlement was calculated on 75% of the council tax bill.
Consultation had taken place with Hertfordshire County Council and the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner on the intention to continue with the same scheme and both bodies had responded in agreement.
The cost of the scheme was met through the collection fund, through a reduction of the tax base. Based on the latest information, the cost of the scheme for 2019/20 was likely to be £7M across all preceptors and this was forecast to continue at a similar level for 2020/21.
It was moved and seconded by Councillors D.Bell and T.Kingsbury and
That the localised council tax support scheme continue in 2020/21 to help people on low/no income to receive a reduction on their council tax be adopted.
60 Localised Council Tax Support Scheme 2020/21 (Forward Plan Reference FP928) PDF 109 KB
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) seeking confirmation that the Council’s localised Council Tax Scheme will not change.
The Council was recommended that the localised council tax support scheme continue in 2020/21 to help people on low/no income to receive a reduction on their council tax.
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on continuation of the Council’s localised council tax support scheme into 2020/21.
(1) The Decision Taken
That the Council be recommended that the localised council tax support scheme continue in 2020/21 to help people on low/no income to receive a reduction on their council tax.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The scheme fully protected pensioners and families with children under five years of age as well as certain other vulnerable claimants. For others, the assessed entitlement was calculated on 75% of the council tax bill.
Consultation had taken place with Hertfordshire County Council and the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner on the intention to continue with the same scheme and both bodies had responded in agreement.
The cost of the scheme was met through the collection fund, through a reduction of the tax base. Based on the latest information, the cost of the scheme for 2019/20 was likely to be £7M across all preceptors and this was forecast to continue at a similar level for 2020/21.