Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the results of the consultation on the revised Licensing Policy and proposed changes as discussed at the meeting of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 23 September 2019.
Under the Licensing Act 2003 the Council was required to revise and consult on its Licensing Policy and two responses had been received.
The first was from the British Beer and Pub Association which requested a few clarifications and additions. The second was from the Fire Protection service relating to changes in their contact details and one typographical error which subsequently was corrected.
It was moved and seconded by Councillors F.Thomson and T.Kingsbury and
That the revised Licensing Policy be approved.
The report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) sets out the results of the consultation on the revised Licensing Policy and proposed changes.
Additional documents:
The report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) set out the results of the consultation on the revised Licensing Policy and proposed changes.
Under the Licensing Act 2003 the Council was required to revise and consult upon its Licensing Policy. The consultation took place and the two responses were set out in Appendix 2 of the report.
The first was from the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) which requested a few clarifications and additions. The second was from the Fire Protection service relating to changes in their contact details and one typographical error which subsequently was corrected.
Members considered the Officers suggested policy changes in response to the consultation, which were set out in Appendix 3 of the report.
There was discussion by Members about the following proposed changes:
Licensing Policy point 5.3 - Request to change wording from “which encourage people to drink more than they might ordinarily.” Requested sentence is changed to “The aim of the condition is to prohibit or restrict promotions which undermine the licensing objectives.”
Some Members felt that the requested change provided much more clarity and was less subjective, other Members felt that it was too wordy. It was put to the vote and
(9 voting for and 3 against)
That the wording for Licensing Policy point 5.3was changed to “The aim of the condition is to prohibit or restrict promotions which undermine the licensing objectives.”
Licensing Policy 38.10 - Use of the word “persistent” for underage sales could create confusion due to the level of subjectivity. Add a sentence referring to the section 182 guidance at 11.29 which refers to a proportionate approach rather than be too specific as each case will be different.
Some Members felt that the word “persistent” could be defined as one or two cases, however the Officer suggestion of referring to external guidance was agreed by the majority of Members as it was less subjective.
(1) That the Committee note the results of the consultation set out in Appendix 2 of the report.
(2) That the Committee agree all the changes proposed (in Appendix 3) to the revised policy at Appendix 1 for onward approval by Full Council.