44 Peartree Conservation Area PDF 72 KB
Consideration of the designation of the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City as a conservation area.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 7 for the Appendices:-
Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack on 17 December 2019)
Additional documents:
The Cabinet had considered the designation of the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City as a conservation area, following consultation.
The Council had a duty to determine whether any parts of the Borough had special architectural or historic interest that should be preserved and enhanced.
A character appraisal had judged that the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City warranted designation as a conservation area.
The Council consulted on whether to designate the Peartree area as a conservation area from 26 September to 11 November 2019. This included a letter to all residents in the area and a public drop-in exhibition at Woodhall community centre on 15 October 2019.
It was moved and seconded by Councillors S.Boulton and T.Kingsbury and
(33 voting FOR and 9 AGAINST)
That the Council approves that the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City be designated as a conservation area.
Consideration of the designation of the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City as a conservation area.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 7 for the Appendices:-
Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack – 17 December 2019
https://democracy.welhat.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=266&MId=977 )
Additional documents:
The Panel had considered the designation of the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City as a conservation area, following consultation and recommended that it be designated as a conservation area.
(1) The Decision Taken
That the recommendation of the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel be approved and the Council be recommended that the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City be designated as a conservation area.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Council had a duty to determine whether any parts of the Borough had special architectural or historic interest that should be preserved and enhanced.
A character appraisal had judged that the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City warranted designation as a conservation area.
The Council consulted on whether to designate the Peartree area as a conservation area from 26 September to 11 November 2019. This included a letter to all residents in the area and a public drop-in exhibition at Woodhall community centre on 15 October 2019.