Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on the Peartree Conservation Area. The Council consulted on whether to designate the Peartree area as a conservation area from 26 September to 11 November 2019. This included a letter to all residents in the area and a public drop-in exhibition at Woodhall community centre on 15 October 2019.
Additional documents:
Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on the Peartree Conservation Area. The Council consulted on whether to designate the Peartree area as a conservation area from 26 September to 11 November 2019. This included a letter to all residents in the area and a public drop-in exhibition at Woodhall Community Centre on 15 October 2019.
The consultation generated five responses from statutory bodies and 20 responses from residents and these were summarised within the report. The report noted that the views of the residents indicated that there is mixed support for the designation of the Peartree area as a conservation area.
The Senior Built Heritage Consultant present at the meeting advised on the historic facts of the Town. Welwyn Garden City was founded by Ebenezer Howard in 1920. He called for the creation of planned towns for working families on low incomes. The architect at that time was Louis de Soissons. The purpose of the proposal conservation of the area is to manage and protect the special architectural and historic interest of the Town.
Members raised the following points and debated in detail:
· The difference between a conservation area and the Estate Management Scheme were clarified.
· The parking issues currently present in Peartree proposed conservation area.
· Financial impact on households – removal of permitted development rights associated with conservation areas to protect the special architectural interests.
· Members requested the wording ‘clear support’ in paragraph 3.12 be changed to recognise the mixed support designation.
· Officers recommended an amendment to paragraph 6.3 to state – that the document will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
· Discussion ensued the relevance of the responses received from outside bodies for the preservation of the area.
· Officers advised that efforts to improve the character of the area would not be imminent, it would be gradual and would be implemented as and when planning applications are received.
· Verge Protection in Peartree area – it was noted that this was already on the work programme for Parking Services Team.
· Replacement of trees that have been removed over the decades. It was agreed that talks would be held with the Council’s tree officers in respect of future plans to plant new trees, as this supports the Council’s climate change agenda.
· A Member raised concern in respect of the low response and requested that further consultation with the residents be held – via letter, drop in session and press to advise the public of the impact of the changes in terms of benefits and consequences. A discussion took place on the work already carried out by the Planning Department on advising residents and businesses in the area; together with the potential outcome of another consultation. It was suggested that another consultation could provide the Council with reasons as to why people have said a ‘no’ to the proposal.
· A question was raised in respect of porches – whereby one half of the porch being privately owned and the other half being Council ... view the full minutes text for item 39