Consideration of objections and proposals for verge protection in the French Horn Lane area, Hatfield East Ward.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 10 for the Appendices:-
Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack – 17 December 2019 )
Additional documents:
Having considered the objection received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues in the report, including any proposed mitigating actions the recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the creation of a traffic regulation order for the reasons set out was approved.
Consideration of objections and proposals for verge protection in the French Horn Lane area, Hatfield East Ward.
The Panel had previously considered the creation of a Traffic Regulation Order for the introduction of waiting restrictions in five areas within French Horn Lane. It was notified to the consultees that all properties would be further consulted at a later date on a proposal to create a Verge Protection Order to prevent parking on grass verges and pavements.
Parking services wrote to all properties and businesses within the French Horn Lane area at the end of September 2019 on the proposed introduction of a verge protection order. One objection was received.
That having considered the objection received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues in the report, including any proposed mitigating actions the unanimous recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the creation of a traffic regulation order for the reasons set out be approved.
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services), which sets out the results of the informal consultation, the statutory consultation and the recommended course of action for French Horn Lane area, Hatfield East Ward.
Additional documents:
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the introduction of verge protection order in various roads, French Horn Lane, area, Hatfield East Ward. Within the next year work is due to start on the redevelopment of Hatfield Town Centre, including proposals to construct a new multi-storey car park in The Common car park. The redevelopment is likely to cause a degree of parking displacement both during and after the construction of the new car park. Residents and businesses in the roads surrounding the town centre were being consulted on parking restrictions on how to minimise the effect of any displacement. The consultation area of ‘French Horn Lane’ initially covered 23 roads to the south and east of the town centre. The consultation area was later expanded to include Oaklands Wood and St Albans Road East.
The French Horn Lane area has been divided into five separate areas for further consultation and detailed parking designs. The entire consultation included 880 properties. All of the five areas had been consulted separately on waiting restrictions, with a new range of measures recently approved for implementation.
The Council receives a number of requests from all over the Borough, to address the issue of vehicles parked on the verge and pavements. Until recently, enforcement of parking on the footway was within the remit of the Police as this could be classed as an obstruction; however this was now regarded as a low priority for the Police due to other work pressures. The introduction of Verge Protection Order (VPO) would provide the Civil Enforcement Officers with the means to effectively and robustly enforce vehicles parking on the verge or footway, by issuing a Penalty Charge Notice. It was noted that a VPO covered the limits of the public highway, extending from the centre of the road to the highway boundary, which in many cases is the boundary of the private property, this could include verges and/or pavement. Yellow line waiting restrictions also share the same boundary.
A Member raised the issue of the verge damage in the said areas and what justification there was for resolving the issue before dealing with the Peartree area. The Officer explained that it was an exception, as work was already being carried out in the French Horn Lane area. Also due to staff change over there had been some delays and timescale changes.
That the Panel considers the objection received in 4.1 and in addition the issues raised in Section 15 around equalities and diversity. Having considered all the detailed issues in this report including any proposed mitigating actions; recommends to Cabinet to proceed with the creation of a traffic regulation order the reasons set out in the report.