Consideration of objections and proposals for waiting restrictions, resident permit parking scheme, verge and footway prohibition and clearway.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 9 for the Appendices:-
Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack – 17 December 2019 )
Additional documents:
(1) Having considered the objections received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions, the recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the amended proposals and the creation of the Traffic Regulation Order for all the reasons set out was approved.
(2) The Cabinet noted and agreed that although the majority of responses opted for a resident parking permit scheme to operate on Monday to Saturday, it was recommended that the scheme operate on Monday to Friday due to the responses received to the adjacent Hatfield town centre car park amendment consultation, which proposed that the parking permit restrictions be applicable on Monday to Friday only so that the Aldykes scheme corresponded with the Hatfield town centre area to operate on Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm.
Consideration of objections and proposals for waiting restrictions, resident permit parking scheme, verge and footway prohibition and clearway.
In March 2018 the Council sent out the first round of consultation letters seeking views on parking options in the area. Some roads returned low numbers of responses, less than 20% and they were then given a second opportunity to respond in May 2018.
A further consultation was also carried out in March 2019 in order to alleviate concerns raised by residents living in Woods Avenue.
A total of 1200 properties had been consulted and 19 objections had been received. It was noted that since the start of the consultation period, the Council had created a significant number of parking spaces within the Aldykes area in order to discourage parking on verges and pavements.
(1) That it be noted and agreed that although the majority of responses opted for a resident parking permit scheme to operate on Monday to Saturday it was recommended that the scheme operate on Monday to Friday due to the responses received to the adjacent Hatfield town centre car park amendment consultation, which proposed that the parking permit restrictions be applicable on Monday to Friday only so that the Aldykes scheme corresponded with the Hatfield town centre area to operate on Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm.
(2) That having considered the objections received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions the unanimous recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the amended proposals and the creation of the Traffic Regulation Order for all the reasons set out be approved.
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the proposed installation of double yellow lines as a safety measure on junctions to prevent dangerous and obstructive parking and a verge and footway prohibition to address parking on footways and verges.
Additional documents:
Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the introduction of Resident Permit Scheme, double yellow lines, verge and footway prohibition and clearway in Aldykes area, Hatfield.
In March 2018, Parking Services wrote to residents in the Aldykes area of Hatfield to seek their views on parking options in their area. This was partly based upon past and present requests that had been received from some residents in the area who highlighted parking concerns from local workers and university. Also there was a need to provide suitable parking arrangements in the area to accommodate the construction of a multi-storey car park in Hatfield as displacement could occur into nearby roads when parking is limited. Initially 1,146 residences were consulted in 2018. The original consultation received less than 20% responses for some roads. In May 2018, residents were given a further opportunity to share their views. At this stage, Parking Services reminded residents that the Council was proposing to install double yellow lines as a safety measure on junctions to prevent dangerous and obstructive parking and a verge and footway prohibition to address parking on footways and verges. Further to this, it had been identified that a number of suitable locations which could be converted into additional parking spaces, had been completed or planned to be completed by the end of October 2019.
Members noted the concerns raised by some residents in Woods Avenue having to park in Sycamore Avenue or Briars Lane due to no parking spaces near their property, there is also the influx of university parking within Woods Avenue. In March 2019, an additional consultation had been carried out with the 54 Woods Avenue residential properties. This consultation had 70% of response voting in favour of a resident permit scheme.
1. Although the majority of responses opted for resident parking permit scheme to operate Monday to Saturday, the Council is recommending that the scheme operates Monday-Friday. This is due to the responses received to the adjacent Hatfield town centre car park amendment consultation, which proposes that the parking permit restrictions are applicable only Monday to Friday. Therefore it is recommended that Aldykes corresponds with the Hatfield town centre area and operates Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm.
2. That the Panel considers the objections received in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.27 and in particular the issues raised in Section 16, around equalities and diversity having considered all the detailed issues within this report including any proposed mitigating actions, recommend to Cabinet to proceed with the amended proposals (Appendix C) and the creation of the Traffic Regulation order (TRO) for all the reasons set out in the report.