184 Hertfordshire Growth Board (Forward Plan Reference FP1002) PDF 299 KB
Report of the Chief Executive on the Hertfordshire Growth Board Integrated Governance Framework.
Additional documents:
(1) That it agreed to the establishment of the Growth Board and Growth Board Scrutiny Joint Committees (to hold their inaugural meetings in January/February 2021 and then HGB Scrutiny aligned to confirmation of securing Government funding in 2021) for the Hertfordshire Growth Board and that the Council becomes a member of both.
(2) That the Council adopted the Growth Board Integrated Governance Framework into its own constitutional framework.
(3) That it nominated a member and substitute member as its representative to the Scrutiny Committee. (Nominees must not be members of the Executive)
(4) That it noted that the Leader is nominated as the Council’s representative on the Growth Board and that the Leader has delegated authority to nominate a substitute representative as required.
(5) To appoint the Leader as the Council’s representative on the Joint Committee and that he be entitled to nominate a substitute from other members of the executive to attend meetings in his absence.
Report of the Chief Executive on the Hertfordshire Growth Board Integrated Governance Framework.
(1) The Decision Taken
That Cabinet recommended to Council:
(1) That it agreed to the establishment of the Growth Board and Growth Board Scrutiny Joint Committees (to hold their inaugural meetings in January/February 2021 and then HGB Scrutiny aligned to confirmation of securing Government funding in 2021) for the Hertfordshire Growth Board and that the Council becomes a member of both.
(2) That the Council adopted the Growth Board Integrated Governance Framework into its own constitutional framework.
(3) That it nominated a member and substitute member as its representative to the Scrutiny Committee. (Nominees must not be members of the Executive)
(4) That it noted that the Leader is nominated as the Council’s representative on the Growth Board and that the Leader has delegated authority to nominate a substitute representative as required.
That Cabinet resolves:
(5) To appoint the Leader as the Council’s representative on the Joint Committee and that he be entitled to nominate a substitute from other members of the executive to attend meetings in his absence.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) had been operating since late 2018 as a non-constituted partnership of the 11 Local authorities and Local Enterprise Partnership in Hertfordshire.
The purpose of the Growth Board is taking a longer term place leadership approach to our place ambitions, growth pressures and economic performance, it had also promoted effective joint working.
All the authorities had jointly signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2019/20, we had signalled to the Treasury and MHCLG of our joint commitment to the Growth Board programmes across Hertfordshire and to pursuit of a Growth Deal for our area. Bids for the Single Housing Infrastructure Funding would need to be submitted in 2020/2021 and will need to be supported by evidence of an appropriate governance model, to give it a legal identity and statutory weight.
Moving to establish a statutory joint committee would bring the work of the Growth Board within a legally prescribed process.
Subject to all partners agreeing to establish the joint committees, the first Growth Board joint committee could take place in early 2021. The implementation of the Growth Board Scrutiny Committee should be aligned confirmation of a successful bid, later in 2021.