The Commons and Ludwick Way (Forward Plan Reference FP1005)
Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the redevelopment of former garage sites at the Commons and Ludwick Way in Welwyn Garden City.
Additional documents:
(1) The Affordable Housing Procurement Board at their meeting in October unanimously agreed to recommend to Cabinet that the contract for the redevelopment of the former garage sites at the Commons and Ludwick Way was awarded to FSG Property Services Ltd.
(2) Cabinet approved the appropriation of the two sites on 30 November 2020 from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account at the previously agreed value.
Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the redevelopment of former garage sites at the Commons and Ludwick Way in Welwyn Garden City.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) The Affordable Housing Procurement Board at their meeting in October unanimously agreed to recommend to Cabinet that the contract for the redevelopment of the former garage sites at the Commons and Ludwick Way was awarded to FSG Property Services Ltd.
(2) Cabinet approved the appropriation of the two sites on 30 November 2020 from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account at the previously agreed value.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Affordable Housing Procurement Board had unanimously agreed to the procurement strategy and evaluation criteria to enable the redevelopment of former garage sites at the Commons and Ludwick Way in Welwyn Garden City. Due to their proximity, the two sites would be packaged together.
Eleven bids were received in response to the tender and these were evaluated against the criteria of 55% price and 45% quality. The qualifying bids and scores were set out in the report.
As these sites were in the general fund and the proposed housing development will be for the housing revenue account (HRA), Cabinet were asked to approve the appropriation of the two sites from the General Fund to the HRA, at the value as set out in the report.
Planning permission was received on 5 December 2019 (Ludwick Way) and 27 February 2020 (The Commons). One of the planning conditions was that a sustainability assessment would be done for Ludwick Way. This would be commissioned via the contractor.
Councillor Thomson was glad to see that the report had taken into account climate change implications.