165 Scrutiny on Anti-Social Behaviour PDF 117 KB
Recommendation from the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 28 July 2020 on the Scrutiny on Anti-Social Behaviour.
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Cabinet approved the recommendations as agreed by Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Recommendation from the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 28 July 2020 on the Scrutiny on Anti-Social Behaviour.
Councillor L.Chesterman, as Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Chairman of the Scrutiny Sub-Committee presented the report at the meeting.
The report set out the scope of the scrutiny, aims and objectives and findings. Some key issues were noted by Members, which were set out in the report, but included some highlights:
Anti-social Behaviour was “very low” but there was a higher prevalence of ASB in Welwyn Garden City than Hatfield. This may be due to transport connectivity, a relatively safe public realm, free Wi-Fi and well-lit internal space such as the Howard Centre.
Whilst there was a fair spread of youth diversionary activities between Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield, many are targeted at vulnerable young people and there are a lot of sports-based activities.
It was resolved unanimously that the committee agree to the recommendations in the report, as well as an additional recommendation. The recommendations are set out in detail in the report, but in summary included:
• To review the current method of communicating with young people about youth provision and activities and consider additional methods that could improve the reach.
• To support the use of the additional budget made available by Cabinet for this financial year to help modernize the Wheels Park at King George V and to provide a small grant fund for one year, as part of the council’s community grant fund, but to be made available for youth provision.
• That a report be brought to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 12 months’ time to look at the impact of the grants and other recommendations in this report.
• For the Executive Member to take the findings to Hertfordshire County Council and lobby them for more resources in the Welwyn Hatfield area
• and for Officers to engage with voluntary and charitable groups in the area to encourage them to provide more youth activities.
Councillor T.Mitchinson thanked the Community Partnership Manager and his team on their hard work to help the youth of the Borough and helping to tackle Anti-social behaviour.
Cabinet approved the recommendations as agreed by Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.