Tewin Road Depot (Forward Plan Reference FP1014)
Exempt report of the Chief Executive on appointment of Principal Contractor for stage 2 of the redevelopment of Tewin Road Depot.
Additional documents:
Cabinet, in accordance with the unanimous recommendation of the Cross Party Streetscene Mobilisation Board, awarded the construction contract for the redevelopment of Tewin Road Depot to RG Carter Cambridge Limited, subject to achieving satisfactory planning.
Exempt report of the Chief Executive on appointment of Principal Contractor for stage 2 of the redevelopment of Tewin Road Depot.
(1) The Decision Taken
Cabinet, in accordance with the unanimous recommendation of the Cross Party Streetscene Mobilisation Board, awarded the construction contract for the redevelopment of Tewin Road Depot to RG Carter Cambridge Limited, subject to achieving satisfactory planning.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
Welwyn Hatfield Council is working jointly with Hertfordshire County Council to modernise the Tewin Road Depot and to co-locate a new household waste and recycling facility, which would replace the current site at Cole Green Lane.
At the Cabinet meeting in February, following the recommendation by the Cross Party Streetscene Mobilisation Board, the first stage contract (known as the Pre Construction Service Agreement (PCSA)) was awarded to RG Carter (Cambridge) Limited. The PCSA stage required RG Carter to fully design and cost the scheme. In August 2020, Cabinet agreed to grant delegated authority to award the final stage of the contract to RG Carter subject to two conditions.
The first condition was that planning consent must be obtained and the Council was pleased to report that planning approval for the redevelopment was unanimously agreed by the Hertfordshire County Council planning committee last week.
The second condition was that the construction cost must be no greater than £8.5M. At the detailed design stage, it was realised that the construction costs would be higher than budgeted for and the reasons were detailed in the report. The increase would be funded by a virement from the Strategic Property Investment capital budget, which due to the current climate will not be proceeding. This will be moved as part of the budget setting process. The capital costs associated to the project had already been incorporated into the Council’s medium-term financial strategy so there was no increase to the budget gap arising from the virement.
(Note: Councillor S.Boulton declared an interest in this item – Minute 202 refers).