174 Rent Setting Policy PDF 184 KB
Recommendation from the meeting of the Cabinet Housing Panel on 15 September 2020 on the adoption of the new Rent Setting Policy.
Additional documents:
Cabinet approved the adoption of the new Housing Rent Setting Policy (as set out in Appendix A).
Recommendation from the meeting of the Cabinet Housing Panel on 15 September 2020 on the adoption of the new Rent Setting Policy.
The proposed policy sets out how the Council would calculate and determine rent charges for Council owned social housing stock, aligning the setting of the rents to Government policy guidance.
The Government implemented a new Rent Standard for registered providers of social housing with effect from 1 April 2020. The new standard stipulates that social rent charges are to be increased by no more than the Consumer Price Index rate, plus 1% for a prescribed period.
The policy allows for any future changes in legislation to be taken into account when setting rents in future years.
Formal approval of the annual rent change is submitted as part of the Council’s annual budget setting process with final ratification of the appropriate rent change by Full Council in February of the preceding financial year.
Cabinet approved the adoption of the new Housing Rent Setting Policy (as set out in Appendix A).