Electric Vehicle Charging Points
Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) to enable Electric Vehicle Charging points to be installed across the Borough.
(Note: The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been given notice that it was impracticable to comply with the requirement that at least twenty eight days notice must be given of the intention to make a key decision not in the Forward Plan and in the private section of the meeting in accordance with Regulations 5 and 10 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 because it was urgent and could not reasonably be deferred for the reason specified).
The reason for this item is to enable the authority to award a contract without delay.
Additional documents:
(1) Cabinet, in accordance with the unanimous recommendation of the General Procurement Board, approved the contract for Electric Vehicle charging points be awarded to Electric Blue Charging Limited as a direct call off from the KCS Framework (Y18019 Electrical Vehicle Charging Points), subject to the outcome of the funding from the Office for Low Emission Vehicles.
(2) The contract will be for a period of 7 years with an option to extend by a further 3 years.
Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) to enable Electric Vehicle Charging points to be installed across the Borough.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) Cabinet, in accordance with the unanimous recommendation of the General Procurement Board, approved the contract for Electric Vehicle charging points be awarded to Electric Blue Charging Limited as a direct call off from the KCS Framework (Y18019 Electrical Vehicle Charging Points), subject to the outcome of the funding from the Office for Low Emission Vehicles.
(2) The contract will be for a period of 7 years with an option to extend by a further 3 years.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Council has applied for funding from the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (known as OLEV) to install 16 vehicle charging points in car parks across the Borough.
The funding application would require the EV charging points to be installed on the land that the Council owns and for the funding to be successful, all of the locations need to demonstrate that there are a large number of residents which do not have access to off-street parking, such as they live in flats and/or in area with limited off street parking provision.
The Council was notified on the 12 October 2020 that they were successful to receive the funding. Part of the requirement was for the work to be completed by the end of March 2021. Due to the lead in time for UK Power Networks to complete the power installation, an order would need to be placed by the end of October 2020.
The General Procurement Board had unanimously agreed with the
Recommendation to award the contract to Electric Blue. The Climate Change Member Group met on 5 October where a presentation was given on the EV charging project and members gave unanimous support for the project. It was also agreed that the council’s financial contribution should be drawn from the Climate Change earmarked reserve.
(Note: The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been given notice that it was impracticable to comply with the requirement that at least twenty eight days notice must be given of the intention to make a key decision not in the Forward Plan and in the private section of the meeting in accordance with Regulations 5 and 10 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 because it was urgent and could not reasonably be deferred for the reason specified).
The reason for this item is to enable the authority to award a contract without delay.