19 Public Space Protection Order Review (Forward Plan Reference FP1045) PDF 221 KB
Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the proposed extension of Public Spaces Protection Order for Hatfield Town Centre.
Additional documents:
(1) Cabinet approved a three-year extension to the current Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).
(2) Cabinet approved that a further statutory consultation should be undertaken to ascertain more accurate public and stakeholder opinion on a second issue, namely widening the area that the PSPO covers and whether the resourcing of this is possible.
(3) Subject to the PSPO coverage extension being approved, it is recommended that resources to manage and enforce the PSPO are reviewed at this point.
Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the proposed extension of Public Spaces Protection Order for Hatfield Town Centre.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) Cabinet approved a three-year extension to the current Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).
(2) Cabinet approved that a further statutory consultation should be undertaken to ascertain more accurate public and stakeholder opinion on a second issue, namely widening the area that the PSPO covers and whether the resourcing of this is possible.
(3) Subject to the PSPO coverage extension being approved, it is recommended that resources to manage and enforce the PSPO are reviewed at this point.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is one tool that the Council and the police have available to them to impose restrictions and to deal with a particular nuisance that affects the quality of life of those in the locality.
The conditions of the current PSPO deal with nuisance behaviours related to street drinking, aggressive begging and street homelessness.
There is currently a PSPO in place in Hatfield town centre and surrounding areas which is due to expire on the 30 July 2021. Before a PSPO can be discharged, extended or varied, the Council is obliged to consult with key stakeholders, including members of the public.
Following a public consultation in February and March 2021, the Council received a response from 167 consultees. From the consultation, 98% would like to see the PSPO extended for a further 3 years.
From the consultation, 42% of respondents also indicated that they would like the PSPO to be varied to include other areas and restrictions. This would require further consultation with key stakeholders and business and would also require a review of resources to enforce the PSPO.