4 Award of Decarbonisation Contracts (Forward Plan Reference FP1046) PDF 132 KB
Report of the Chief Executive on approval being sought to dispense with Contract Procedure Rules in appointing Design Installation Service Limited (DIS) and Barry Beard Limited (BB) to deliver the decarbonisation schemes to Hatfield Swim Centre, Campus East and Campus West.
Additional documents:
(1) That in accordance with paragraph 14k (Alternative Procedures in Prescribed Circumstances) of the Contract Procedure Rules, that Cabinet agree to appoint Design Installation Service Limited to act as Principal Contractor with a separate appointment to Barry Beard Limited to undertake work in 2021 in accordance with the information and reasons contained in the report.
(2) Cabinet approved the drawdown of £196k from earmarked reserves for the council’s contribution towards the total project cost of £2.559M. The remaining £2.363M of costs will be met by grant funding received.
Report of the Chief Executive on approval being sought to dispense with Contract Procedure Rules in appointing Design Installation Service Limited (DIS) and Barry Beard Limited (BB) to deliver the decarbonisation schemes to Hatfield Swim Centre, Campus East and Campus West.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) That in accordance with paragraph 14k (Alternative Procedures in Prescribed Circumstances) of the Contract Procedure Rules, that Cabinet agree to appoint Design Installation Service Limited to act as Principal Contractor with a separate appointment to Barry Beard Limited to undertake work in 2021 in accordance with the information and reasons contained in the report.
(2) Cabinet approved the drawdown of £196k from earmarked reserves for the council’s contribution towards the total project cost of £2.559M. The remaining £2.363M of costs will be met by grant funding received.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
In March of this year, the Council was successful in obtaining £2.4M of the Decarbonisation Funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for the installation of low carbon heating measures in Campus East, Campus West and Hatfield Swim centre.
Part of the conditions for the funding was that the schemes must be completed by September 2021, which has a direct impact on the ability to follow the usual route for procuring the suppliers.
Officers had explored the use of national frameworks and approached a number of suppliers, however they were not suitable for the award of contract for the reasons set out in Part 2 of the report.
Officers then approached the Mechanical and Electrical services contractor who had previously been used to deliver for the council’s appointed consultants on similar projects, namely DIS Limited and Barrie Beard Ltd. These two companies work closely together and had taken a proactive approach to the tender process.
Award of Decarbonisation contracts (Forward Plan Reference FP1046)
Report of the Chief Executive on seeking approval to dispense with Contract Procedure Rules in appointing Design Installation Service Ltd (DIS) and Barry Beard Ltd (BB) to deliver the decarbonisation schemes to Hatfield Swim Centre, Campus East and Campus West.
Additional documents:
Cabinet noted the process followed before reaching recommendations made in the Part I report to dispense the Contract Procedure Rules.
Report of the Chief Executive on seeking approval to dispense with Contract Procedure Rules in appointing Design Installation Service Ltd (DIS) and Barry Beard Ltd (BB) to deliver the decarbonisation schemes to Hatfield Swim Centre, Campus East and Campus West.
(1) The Decision Taken
Cabinet noted the process followed before reaching recommendations made in the Part I report to dispense the Contract Procedure Rules.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Building Services team sought Cabinet approval to dispense with Contract Procedure Rules in appointing Design Installation Service Ltd (DIS) and Barry Beard Ltd (BB) to deliver the decarbonisation schemes to Hatfield Swim Centre, Campus East and Campus West.
The part II report provided the background on suppliers which were approached under existing frameworks before a decision was taken to recommend the dispensation of the contract procedure rules.