19 Friendship House (Forward Plan Reference FP1059) PDF 130 KB
Report of the Chief Executive and Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on an update on the potential redevelopment opportunities at Friendship House, Hatfield.
Additional documents:
(1) Cabinet noted the content of the report and the potential for development of the site to provide a new community centre and residential dwellings.
(2) Cabinet noted that more detailed viability work on the identified options will be undertaken, including pre-planning advice, a comprehensive transport survey and financial appraisals, to determine if a redevelopment of the site to provide additional homes would be possible and if so, what the costs and benefits would be.
(3) Cabinet approved the principle of enabling the existing Friendship House building to be used for community or charitable use as outlined in paragraph 3.13 and that delegated authority is granted to the Head of Resources in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment, Planning, Estates and Development to agree the final details.
Report of the Chief Executive and Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on an update on the potential redevelopment opportunities at Friendship House, Hatfield.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) Cabinet noted the content of the report and the potential for development of the site to provide a new community centre and residential dwellings.
(2) Cabinet noted that more detailed viability work on the identified options will be undertaken, including pre-planning advice, a comprehensive transport survey and financial appraisals, to determine if a redevelopment of the site to provide additional homes would be possible and if so, what the costs and benefits would be.
(3) Cabinet approved the principle of enabling the existing Friendship House building to be used for community or charitable use as outlined in paragraph 3.13 and that delegated authority is granted to the Head of Resources in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment, Planning, Estates and Development to agree the final details.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
An update was provided to members of Cabinet on the potential redevelopment opportunities at Friendship House, Hatfield, following a previous report to Cabinet in February. The building was currently leased by the trustees of the charity Hatfield and District Age Concern who provided a day centre at the site.
The trustees had closed the centre but still held the lease for the site. Negotiations continue regarding the existing lease.
The site has quite a large footprint, which presented opportunities for redevelopment of the site. Any proposal for redeveloping the site would include reprovision of the community facility.
Initial feasibility had been undertaken which demonstrated that it may be possible to redevelop the site, providing up to thirteen flats and a modern community facility.
The next step was to carry out more detailed viability works, including seeking pre-planning advice and completing financial appraisals.
In the meantime, the Council could seek to enable a short-term use of the building, although there were limited options, and these would be subject to negotiations with the existing tenant.