19 Gosling Masterplan (Forward Plan Reference FP1061) PDF 241 KB
Report of the Chief Executive on the redevelopment of Gosling Sports Park.
Additional documents:
(1) Cabinet approved the establishment of a Cross Party Member Procurement Board, and that the proposed governance structure is adopted for the project.
(2) Cabinet delegated the approval of the memorandum of understanding, once drafted, to the Head of Resources in consultation with the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer, Executive Member, (Environment, Planning, Estates and Development) and Executive Member, (Leisure and Community Safety).
Report of the Chief Executive on the redevelopment of Gosling Sports Park.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) Cabinet approved the establishment of a Cross Party Member Procurement Board, and that the proposed governance structure is adopted for the project.
(2) Cabinet delegated the approval of the memorandum of understanding, once drafted, to the Head of Resources in consultation with the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer, Executive Member, (Environment, Planning, Estates and Development) and Executive Member, (Leisure and Community Safety).
(2) Reasons for the Decision
In February 2020, it was agreed that a master planning exercise to be undertaken on the Gosling Sports Park site to consider how it could effectively accommodate the needs, priorities and recommendations for indoor and outdoor sports facilities as set out in the Sports Strategy.
An application was made to One Public Estate funding and the Council was informed recently that we would be awarded £250k in the form of a recyclable loan to be spent on a master plan.
The funding application included areas of land that were leased to or owned by other organisations and were shown in Appendix A. A Partnership Board had therefore been established between the Council, Greenwich Leisure Limited, Stanborough School, Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Constabulary. It was proposed that a Memorandum of Understanding would be put in place to formalise the obligations of each of these organisations.
As a number of procurement decisions would need to be undertaken associated with the production of a master plan, such as appointing a design team and specialist consultants. A new Cross Party Procurement Board would need to be established and with a membership of seven members.