19 Revenue and Benefits - Risk Based Verification Policy (Forward Plan Reference FP1062) PDF 216 KB
Report of the Chief Executive on Revenues and Benefits and the introduction of risk based verification for the assessment of benefit claims.
Additional documents:
(1) Cabinet approved the use of risk based verification, and the policy included in the exempt report on this matter.
(2) Cabinet agreed to delegate future reviews and updates to the policy to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources.
Report of the Chief Executive on Revenues and Benefits and the introduction of risk based verification for the assessment of benefit claims.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) Cabinet approved the use of risk based verification, and the policy included in the exempt report on this matter.
(2) Cabinet agreed to delegate future reviews and updates to the policy to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The purpose of the report was to propose the introduction of a risk-based verification process for the assessment of benefit claims.
The proposal, explained in the report, formed one of the key components of the transformation of the revenues and benefits process as part of the Modernisation Programme.
The approach had already been adopted successfully by a number of Councils, and would allow us to focus our assessment resources on those claims where the risk of fraud is judged to be greatest.
The recommended policies were set out in the exempt report on the matter.
Revenues and Benefits - Risk Based Verification Policy (Forward Plan Reference FP1062)
Exempt report of the Chief Executive on the risk based verification policy for Revenues and Benefits.
Additional documents:
Cabinet approved the Risk Based Verification Policy.
Exempt report of the Chief Executive on the risk based verification policy for Revenues and Benefits.
(1) The Decision Taken
Cabinet approved the Risk Based Verification Policy.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The purpose of the report was to set out the proposed policies to be applied for the risk-based verification process discussed earlier in agenda item 7E.
The report detailed the different levels of verification evidence required for low, medium, or high risk claims.