Issue - meetings

Transition To Net Zero Strategy (TTNZS)

Meeting: 07/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 344)

Transition To Net Zero Strategy (TTNZS)

The report for this item can be found on the below link at Agenda Item 8 following recommendations from the Climate Biodiversity Cabinet Panel on the 6th November 2024:

Public reports pack 06112024 1930 Climate Biodiversity Cabinet Panel.pdf


Additional documents:


Decision taken

The Cabinet approved the Net Zero Strategy.


Reason for decision

On 10 July 2024, the Climate Biodiversity Cabinet Panel approved the Transition to Net Zero Strategy (TTNZS) for public consultation.  A total of 88 responses were received by the deadline and this report outlines feedback from the Transition to Net Zero Strategy consultation.  


The Transition to Net Zero strategy was written as Members of the Climate Biodiversity Cabinet Panel had previously asked for a robust standalone climate change strategy document.


This strategy replaced the old one and was more aligned with a new corporate priority, ‘Action on Climate’. It supports all four objectives within that priority and sets out an overall vision for the borough”


Cabinet received a report of the Executive Director (Resident Services and Climate Change) on the Transformation to Net Zero Strategy following recommendation from the Climate and Biodiversity Cabinet Panel.


During the discussion the following points were raised:

·         It was felt that the Strategy would highlight how the community could support the net zero target.

·         It was felt that the Strategy was an important incentive.


Decision taken

The Cabinet approved the Net Zero Strategy.


Reason for decision

On 10 July 2024, the Climate Biodiversity Cabinet Panel approved the Transition to Net Zero Strategy (TTNZS) for public consultation.  A total of 88 responses were received by the deadline and this report outlines feedback from the Transition to Net Zero Strategy consultation.  


The Transition to Net Zero strategy was written as Members of the Climate Biodiversity Cabinet Panel had previously asked for a robust standalone climate change strategy document.


This strategy replaced the old one and was more aligned with a new corporate priority, ‘Action on Climate’. It supports all four objectives within that priority and sets out an overall vision for the borough”