Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 3rd September 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th August 2024 (previously circulated).

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The minutes of the meeting on 6th August were approved as an accurate record.



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An apology for absence were received from Councillor Moore.



Up to thirty minutes will be made available for questions from members of the public on issues relating to the work of the Cabinet and to receive any petitions.

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No public questions or petitions were recieved



Report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation) on the status of actions agreed at the last Cabinet meeting.

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The Cabinet noted the Action Status Report.



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There was no notification of urgent business.



To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on the Agenda.

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No declarations of interest were received.



To consider the following items for decision in the current Forward Plan:-

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The following items were considered for Key Decision:


FP2073 Town Centres and Nicer Neighbourhoods Task Forces pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Report of the Chief Executive.

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Decision taken

The Cabinet approved the establishment of Town Centre and Nicer Neighbourhood Task Forces as set out in the report.


Reason for decision

The establishment of two Cabinet led task forces focusing on Town Centres and Nicer Neighbourhoods would provide the support required on the delivery of two of the Councils priorities.


Cabinet received a report on the establishment of two Cabinet led task forces focusing on town centres and nicer neighbourhoods.


A member commented that the two task forces being created would reflect the joint administration priorities and create vibrant and attractive town centres.


Decision taken

The Cabinet approved the establishment of Town Centre and Nicer Neighbourhood Task Forces as set out in the report.


Reason for decision

The establishment of two Cabinet led task forces focusing on Town Centres and Nicer Neighbourhoods would provide the support required on the delivery of two of the Councils priorities.


FP2068 Licensing Act Policy

The report and appendices can be found on the following link at Agenda Item 6:

Public reports pack 22082024 1930 Licensing Committee.pdf (

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Decision taken

The Cabinet noted the results of the consultation and agreed the proposed changes.


The Cabinet agreed to recommend the Licensing Act Policy Review to Full Council for approval.


Reason for decision

The Council in its capacity as licensing authority for the purposes of the Licensing Act 2003 is obliged by law to have a statement of licensing policy. Originally such a statement had to be reviewed every 3 years, but along with a number of other changes to the Licensing Act 2003 and the statutory guidance this frequency has been increased to 5 years.



Cabinet received a report from the Licensing Committee held on the 22nd August 2024 on the Licensing Act Policy Review.


Decision taken

The Cabinet noted the results of the consultation and agreed the proposed changes.


The Cabinet agreed to recommend the Licensing Act Policy Review to Full Council for approval.


Reason for decision

The Council in its capacity as licensing authority for the purposes of the Licensing Act 2003 is obliged by law to have a statement of licensing policy. Originally such a statement had to be reviewed every 3 years, but along with a number of other changes to the Licensing Act 2003 and the statutory guidance this frequency has been increased to 5 years.



Recommendations from Cabinet Panels

To consider a recommendation from the meetings of Cabinet Panels:

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The Cabinet received the following recommendations from the Council’s Cabinet Panels:


FP2071 Procurement and Commercial Improvement Strategy - Sustainable Procurement Appendix pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report of the Executive Director (Finance & Transformation).

Additional documents:


Decision taken

The Cabinet agreed:

1.    The proposed changes to the Procurement and Commercial Improvement Strategy to be adopted; and

2.    The addition of the Sustainable Procurement Appendix be adopted.


Reason for decision

The amendments would ensure a focus on climate change through all procurement equally to over £30m a year.



Cabinet received a report on the Procurement and Commercial Strategy – Sustainable Procurement Appendix.


Decision taken

The Cabinet agreed:

1.    The proposed changes to the Procurement and Commercial Improvement Strategy to be adopted; and

2.    The addition of the Sustainable Procurement Appendix be adopted.


Reason for decision

The amendments would ensure a focus on climate change through all procurement equally to over £30m a year.



FP2059 Local Plan Review

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Decision taken

The Cabinet agreed:

1.    The Local Plan (full review) is prepared; and

2.    That as part of the early scoping of the new local plan, public engagement take place inviting reflections regarding the current opportunities and challenges facing the borough, the arrangements for this engagement will be agreed by the Assistant Director (Planning) in consultation with the Executive Member.


Reason for decision

The current Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan was adopted in October 2023. It contained Policy SP2 which committed the Council to undertake a review of the Plan. This review was to commence no later than one year after the adoption of the plan and for an updated or replacement plan to be submitted for examination no later than three years after the date of adoption of the Plan.


The need for a review is triggered as the current Local Plan does not provide homes for the plan period to 2036.


Cabinet received a report on the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan review which went to CPPP on the 15th August 2024.


Members felt the proposals were a fresh approach to resident engagement


Decision taken

The Cabinet agreed:

1.    The Local Plan (full review) is prepared; and

2.    That as part of the early scoping of the new local plan, public engagement take place inviting reflections regarding the current opportunities and challenges facing the borough, the arrangements for this engagement will be agreed by the Assistant Director (Planning) in consultation with the Executive Member.


Reason for decision

The current Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan was adopted in October 2023. It contained Policy SP2 which committed the Council to undertake a review of the Plan. This review was to commence no later than one year after the adoption of the plan and for an updated or replacement plan to be submitted for examination no later than three years after the date of adoption of the Plan.


The need for a review is triggered as the current Local Plan does not provide homes for the plan period to 2036.


FP2066 Welwyn Hatfield Local Development Scheme

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Decision taken

Cabinet noted the timetable outlined at Table 1 in the attached Local Development Scheme and resolved to bring the Local Development Scheme into effect on the 23rd September 2024 subject to the council’s constitutional provisions. 


Cabinet agreed:

1.     The Local Development Scheme being published on the Council’s website.

2.    A copy of the Local Development Scheme being sent to the Secretary of State to comply with the Written Ministerial Statement of 19 December 2023.


Reason for decision


Local Planning authorities are required under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) to prepare and maintain a Local Development Scheme.


The Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the timetable for the production of the Council’s Development Plan Document(s), enabling those with an interest in the plan making process to understand which documents are to be prepared for the area and at what stages they will be able to participate.


Cabinet received a report from the CPPP on the 15th August 2024.


Decision taken

Cabinet noted the timetable outlined at Table 1 in the attached Local Development Scheme and resolved to bring the Local Development Scheme into effect on the 23rd September 2024 subject to the council’s constitutional provisions. 


Cabinet agreed:

1.     The Local Development Scheme being published on the Council’s website.

2.    A copy of the Local Development Scheme being sent to the Secretary of State to comply with the Written Ministerial Statement of 19 December 2023.


Reason for decision


Local Planning authorities are required under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) to prepare and maintain a Local Development Scheme.


The Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the timetable for the production of the Council’s Development Plan Document(s), enabling those with an interest in the plan making process to understand which documents are to be prepared for the area and at what stages they will be able to participate.


FP2061 Statement of Community Involvement

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Decision taken

Cabinet agreed:

1.    The SCI 2024 (Appendix A of the report), and accompanying Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) (Appendix B of the report) be subject to public consultation.

2.    That any subsequent material amendments prior to consultation be made by the Executive Member for Planning and that any subsequent minor amendments and editing changes that do not materially affect the content prior to consultation be delegated to Assistant Director (Planning) in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning.


Reason for decision

The council is required to produce an SCI in accordance with section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Section 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012 require an SCI to be kept under review. The current SCI was adopted in 2013.


Cabinet received a report on the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) from CPPP on the 15th August 2024.


Decision taken

Cabinet agreed:

1.    The SCI 2024 (Appendix A of the report ), and accompanying Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) (Appendix B of the report) be subject to public consultation.

2.    That any subsequent material amendments prior to consultation be made by the Executive Member for Planning and that any subsequent minor amendments and editing changes that do not materially affect the content prior to consultation be delegated to Assistant Director (Planning) in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning.


Reason for decision

The council is required to produce an SCI in accordance with section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Section 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012 require an SCI to be kept under review. The current SCI was adopted in 2013.



Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.